A woman attempts 21 times Gangraped was happed by two serving regulatory officers, one of an IAS officer and the second was the Chief Secretary.
Due to the path of development of society, everything is in its way. Including all the people who are also in the way of development. But with the development, there are also some dark corners present which lead us to the reverse and pathetic days that we all face and do not want to express. In ultramodern society, the most pathetic thing has come to the issue of rape and the rapist is moving then and there so numerous times only because there’s no evidence of rape against him. And only for this, society’s women aren’t feeling safe moving at night. This type of thing happen in Andaman and Nicobar islets lately. A 21 times old indicted that a Gangrapped was happed by two serving regulatory officers, one of whom is an IAS officer of the 1990 batch and was Chief Secretary, Andaman & Nicobar( A&N) islets, and also lodged a Fir against them in the police station too. Responding to the users on August 22 to the Director General of Police, A&N islets, an FIR was lodged at the Aberdeen police station in Port Blair on October 1 and police have set up a Special Investigation Team( SIT ) to probe her allegations, learned from the specific and important source as per said the police.

The entire process of disquisition is under SIT and also headed by an elderly supervisor of the Police and the indicted woman has been handed police protection by the authorities. The name of two officers who were indicted as Trappist in the rape case of 21 times old woman and whose names are also present in the FIR was Jitendra Narain, who was Chief Secretary of A&N islets until three months ago when the contended incident passed and R L Rishi, posted as Labour Commissioner in A&N islets. Jitendra Narain who was named as indicted in the rape case was presently the Chairman & Managing Director of the Delhi Financial Corporation. When the officers tried to communicate with the Delhi office, Narain said that he’d not like to note the “ absurd ” allegations. Sources close to him said he has transferred a “ detailed representation ” to the Prime Minister’s Office and the Union Home Secretary, among others, denying all the charges against him. The other indicted in this case was presently unfit to communicate and note and his officers told the authorities that he was on medical leave”. The design plate which was mentioned by the 21 times old woman indicted, in which she was taken to the home of Narain is registered in Rishi’s name. In the FIR(No.165/2022), the plaintiff asked that CCTV footage from Narain’s house should be collected and that she’d identify his staff who should also be questioned about the entire issues of the happenings. In the complaint, the indicted woman has told brutal effects she gives a detailed account of the violent sexual attack on her on two occasions at night in April and May at Narain’s functionary hearthstone in Port Blair.

In the complaint, she said that in the hunt for the job she was first introduced to the Labour Commissioner through a hostel proprietor and the Commissioner took her to the hearthstone of the Chief Secretary. There, she said, she was offered liquor which she denied, and was guaranteed a government job. latterly, she contended, she was severely and sexually abused by the two men. After the two weeks which had passed over, she contended in the complaint that she was again called at 9 pm by them to the Chief Secretary’s hearthstone and the assault was repeated, she said in her complaint. rather than giving her the promised government job, she contended, she hovered with dire consequences if she spoke about the matter to anyone. Sources said the SIT platoon has got a new office and will handle the inquiry in a “ fair and time-bound ” manner. A Section 164 CrPC (confessional statement) of the woman has been registered by the SIT, as well as by the Chief Metropolitan Magistrate in Port Blair where she whetted an alternate objection. A relative of the woman said that they will appeal for the Section 164 statement to be recorded again via videotape-conferencing as a “ palladium. ”The disquisition has also been expanded to include the alleged part of an original news channel journalist, who’s indicted of broadcasting hints about the woman’s identity, as well as a police inspector, who’s indicted of” oohing information” about the case to her. This comes after the woman filed a separate police complaint about how her identity was being revealed through members of the original media. In his written denials, Narain reportedly claimed that the allegations were made at the request of original officers against whom he’d taken action as Chief Secretary and that they were part of a” vicious” crusade against him. He has stated that he’s willing to stand trial and will completely cooperate with the police.

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