Delve into the extraordinary world of optics with these formidable lenses

1. Large Hadron Collider - Switzerland Not a lens, but a particle accelerator revealing subatomic secrets

2. Arecibo Observatory - Puerto Rico Massive radio telescope for deep space and atmospheric studies

3. Subaru Telescope - Hawaii Advanced Japanese telescope exploring distant galaxies

4. Keck Observatory - Hawaai Largest optical and infrared telescopes capturing celestial marvels

5. Hubble Space Telescope - Orbit Legendary for its breathtaking space imagery and discoveries

6. Very Large Telescope (VLT) - Chile Four optical telescopes working together for unparalleled views

7. Gran Telescopio Canarias - Spain One of the world's largest optical telescopes, unveiling cosmic secrets

8. James Webb Space Telescope - Upcoming The future of space observation, set to redefine astrophysics

9. Pan-STARRS1 - Hawaii Hunting for asteroids and tracking the changing universe

10. Event Horizon Telescope - Global A network of telescopes capturing the first image of a black hole

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by Chandrashekhar Jenamoni