Buying the dream bike or car is a dream for many. People indeed have to pay a very good price (of time, money, and hard work) for buying and living their dreams. Recently, an Assam man fulfilled his wish for a long time of buying a bike worth Rs. 50,000. A video of him paying the money in coins went viral on all the social media platforms.
Who was the man from Assam?
Suranjan Roy, a man who hails from the Karimganj district of Guwahati, Assam, fulfilled his dream of buying a bike worth Rs. 50,000. Suranjan Roy is a small business owner in Assam. As per the sources, he has been saving money for the bike for a few years. The bike was his favorite bike.

What went viral?
A video of Surnajan Roy paying the entire Rs. 50,000 went viral over all the social media platforms. When SuranajanaRoy went to the showroom, he said to the employees that he wanted to buy a bike. He also wanted to pay the entire amount of Rs. 50,000 on the same day itself. The difference was that he would be paying the entire amount in coins and not in the form of white money (cheque).
The entire incident happened on Saturday. Saturday was a very good day for this Assamese man as he got the chance to fulfill his wish for which he worked so hard and finally the day arrived.
What was the special request made by the employees of the bike showroom owner?
Mr. Subranjan Roy had requested the employees to deliver the bike to him on a social request. The employees too made a special request to the showroom owner to deliver the bike in this case.
According to the staff member of the showroom, Barnali Paul, “he came to our showroom on Saturday evening.” As per his wish, we showed him the Apache 160 4V bike. After seeing the bike, the man told us that he had Rs.50,000 in coins and he wanted the bike on finance by depositing the amount as a down payment.
The bike is very special for Subranjan Roy as he wished for the same for many years. He finally purchased it on Saturday
Other similar incidents in the past
A similar incident took place in Tamilnadu. In Tamilnadu, in the initial days of March 2022, V Boopathi, 29, wanted to buy a bike worth Rs. 2.6 lakh from a showroom in Tamilnadu. He paid the entire amount of Rs. 2.6 lakhs in coins, instead of choosing the other methods of payment. According to the sources, the calculation of the money (by the staff) took around 10 hours, which was the highest for any showroom.
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