Author: Shreeyashi Ojha

Writing for me is like the ebb and flow of life! There are lows and highs but we keep moving forward. I for one, feel emotionally driven towards writing as an expression. I take keen interest in history, national and international politics and government policies. Having completed my Master's in History, I have an incisive acumen for understanding the ever-changing rationale of politics, society and economy.

Kshama Bindu first case of sologamy in India

A girl from Gujarat married herself becoming the first case of Sologamy in India. She has paved the path for those women who wish to marry themselves in a country where a successful marriage is a parameter of a woman’s character. Source: kshama bindu – Bing By: Shreeyashi Ojha Sologamy or Autogamy is the act of marrying oneself in a public ceremony. Though such a marriage holds no legal sanction, it is a symbol of self-love and independence. The first case of Sologamy in the world was identified in 1993 when a dental hygienist Linda Baker in Los Angeles married…

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