Author: Utkarsh Konwar

I'm a student pursuing my B.Tech degree in the field of Computer Science Engineering. My expertise as of now stands strong in the fields of Designing, Generalized Freelancing , Computer Hardware and its peripherals and am currently interested in learning about the workings of Web3, Blockchain, OOP and various other mainstream software. Feel free to connect.

The Stock Market

With the introduction of modern-day discount brokers of the stock market, let’s see how the tables have turned and how the youth of today has started actively investing and trading in the stock market. The stock market has existed for a long time, and with it, there have been various types of brokers too. Be it the offline brokers of the 90s or the instant brokers of today, they have been an essential part of the whole investing and trading ecosystem. However, as time passes, there have been plenty of changes in how they operate and also the charges involved…

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