We all know what is brain and also know where it is located. But how much do we understand about its functioning as in our daily day to day life. Our cognition is controlled by us or the opposite is the case? How could we reduce the conundrum and lead for a simple life? How to narrow down the option to reduce the trap of making choice or the vicious cycle of sacrificing.
Here in our discussion, brain refers to the mind. Mind is a collection, collection of all the things that our senses perceive. As like a warehouse. It does also process the required information and as an outcome we see some particular perception. The collection and processes of such data is on the basis of our goals and ambition.
That is what makes each perception so unique and so true in its own subjectivity.
Bossy brain – Collection of thoughts
Primary stage and the most vital. We must manage and control what we hear, see, feel, taste and smell. It must be noted that what we eat is our physical diet. But what we consume as we read, when we watch T.V. or with which people we surround ourselves. Or what peers do we have? We become alike with our environment. We adapt to the new changes.
When we read good books, we start acquiring new knowledge. Then when we do research or socialize, we are able to connect the dots and jot down an impactful experience.
When we watch informative shows, we do upskill ourselves. We could get inspired by the articulation of the orators. Watching T.V. soap is good for entertainment. But endless and unbounded entertainment would for sure call for ugly, dull and rough mindset.
We do not procure all that we see or hear, but the one which we find interesting or familiar. It doesn’t matter how we are wired as default, but we could always rewire ourselves.
Bossy brain – Processing of thoughts
2nd stage of perception. Here we mix up our past experience and current circumstances and make a final product of thought. We try to connect things by default. It is a type of perception bias. These biases can’t be removed but could be reduced. Read more.
Processing of these thoughts is based on certain factors. First and the most impactful is how we have seen others to think or process something. Again, back to the thing that with whom we sit and rock. Processing is also done on the sort of what goal do we have or what ambition we carry.
We give our best when we are in a situation to just do it. Because the point of time when we get will for the work, for that particular work. We become laser focus. We adopt the approach of problem solver and quit the problem magnifier identity.
Bossy brain – the deduction stage or output time.
Last but not the least, we come up with some kind of deduction. And we do, every time we do. The reason being that we all have an approach, it is our natural tendency to jump off to conclusion. To give things some type of closure. So irrespective the collection process or processing process done. We always come to some conclusion.
Mind is a very powerful place and it could affect us in harmful ways. So, our mental diet is as much important as our physical diet. What exercise is to the body is what reading for the mind. Wrong set of workouts might jeopardize the normal routine for next few days.
So as first step we must control how we are doing and consuming stuff. We must not get controlled by the reverse. We must disconnect ourselves from the default and lead our own path.
Image source – rational realm.