Under Canadian law, handgun purchases, sales, transfers, and imports will be prohibited.

The Canadian government has proposed laws prohibiting the importation, purchase, or sale of firearms. “We’re limiting the number of handguns in this nation,” Prime Minister Justin Trudeau declared. The measures to limit the number of people who own firearms are anticipated to be passed this fall. The Prime Minister stated, “It will be unlawful to buy, sell, transfer, or import firearms anywhere in Canada.
Absolute Prohibition
Canada has already announced intentions to outlaw 1,500 types of military-style rifles and implement a forced buyback scheme by the end of the year. If someone truly wanted to keep their assault weapon, Trudeau vowed it would be rendered entirely unusable.
Before the imposition of absolute prohibition, Canada has already increased background checks. Trudeau has long planned to impose stricter gun rules. Still, the new bill was introduced in the wake of mass shootings in Uvalde, Texas, and Buffalo, New York, earlier this month. Canada is “quite different from the United States,” according to Bill Blair, the minister of disaster preparation. “Gun ownership in Canada is a luxury, not a right,” he explained.
“This is a value that sets us apart from many other countries, particularly our southern colleagues and neighbors.” Guns are only allowed to be used for hunting and sport in Canada.” Although the US population is significantly higher than Canada’s, Canada has seen far fewer mass shootings than the US, owing to a lack of easy access to weapons. Blair said that firearms were frequently brought in illegally from the United States, which he claimed possessed one of the world’s most powerful small arms arsenals.
New Measures
The Canadian government intends to combat gun smuggling and trafficking by improving border controls, raising criminal penalties, and giving additional tools to investigate weapons offenses. Increased financing, according to Trudeau, has already helped border police treble the number of illicit firearms seized at the US border.
His administration also stated that the measure would allow persons involved in domestic violence or criminal harassment, such as stalking, to have their weapons licenses revoked. Seized weapons are presented at a news conference held by the Royal Canadian Mounted Police and Crime Stoppers on Monday, May 17, 2021, at the Royal Canadian Mounted Police headquarters in Surrey, British Columbia.
In response to an increase in gang-related shootings in the region, the British Columbia government has pledged $200,000 to Metro Vancouver Crime Stoppers to assist police in making arrests and solving cases of gang-related crimes. For one year, the money will be used to revive the “guns and gangs” advertising campaign. The measure would establish a new “red flag” statute that would empower judges to order those deemed a threat to themselves or others to relinquish their guns to authorities.
The administration claims that the policy will secure the identity of people applying through the process, typical women in danger of domestic abuse. Rifle magazines would be permanently changed to carry no more than five rounds, and the sale and transfer of large-capacity magazines would be prohibited.
During the Obama administration, Bruce Heyman, a former US ambassador to Canada, tweeted, “Canada can teach us a lot.” Trudeau acknowledged that most Canadians who own weapons are to blame but said the current level of gun violence is “unacceptable.” Trudeau stated, “This is a clear and meaningful national effort toward keeping Canadians secure.”
The new legislation is expected to pass in Canada’s parliament since both the ruling Liberals and the left-wing opposition, New Democrats, have enough votes. Law-abiding gun owners should be honored, while dangerous criminals should be imprisoned, according to Pierre Poilievre. He is standing for Conservative Party leader.
“There is no reason anyone in Canada should need weapons in their everyday lives, other than recreational shooting and hunting,” Trudeau stated. “We require a reduction in gun violence. We must not allow the gun discussion to get so polarised that nothing is accomplished. That cannot be allowed to happen in our country. It’s all about liberty here. People should be able to go to the grocery store, school, or place of worship without fear.”