The Chinese Foreign Minister has not been in public view for an extended period of time. This absence has sparked speculation among people that he might be missing. The 57-year-old Foreign Minister is considered to be a very close aide to the Chinese President Xi Jinping and he has not been seen for 23 days. He was last seen on the 25th of June.

This prolonged absence of one of the most familiar faces of Chinese government from public view not only invited an interest from diplomats and other stakeholders from around the world but also made the general Chinese public inquisitive. This interest even heightened when the Chinese Foreign Ministry failed to provide any information regarding this fact when asked. It was said by the Foreign Ministry spokesperson that they had no information to provide. In response, many said that this fact was really worrisome.
Many of the scheduled programs of the Foreign Minister have been postponed or rescheduled in recent times. In once instance even his predecessor went to a meeting on behalf of him at the diplomatic gathering held in Indonesia. It was cited that he was suffering from some health-related issues.
Qin Gang is one of the most senior officials from the Chinese Government to have been out of the public view for this long period of time. However, this type of absence from public view is not uncommon in the Chinese government. Most political leaders can disappear from public view and then suddenly reappear without giving any proper reason for it. Chinese President Xi Jinping also went missing for about 2 weeks back in 2012 which had also sparked a massive amount of suspicion among the crowd along with many rumours.
Qin Gang is one of the most known faces from the Chinese Foreign ministry. In the beginning he was the spokesperson of the Ministry and afterwards, he was also appointed as the Chinese Ambassador the United States. After serving as the ambassador for less than 2 years, he was appointed as the Chinese Foreign Minister. He was the youngest person to serve in the role of Foreign Minister in the Country’s history.
There are many speculations and theories roaming around the internet regarding this matter. One of those speculation is that he was caught in an extramarital affair. It is speculated that he was being investigated for an alleged relationship with Fu Xiaotian, a Hong-Kong based journalist. Fu is also absent from the public view after the absence of Qin. These speculations about the alleged relationship between these two people are strictly derived from the online posts of Fu Xiaotian and they are not proven.

Some are also saying that Chinese President Xi Jinping purged the Foreign Minister for being involved in an extramarital affair. Assessing the situation in China presently, it is very hard to figure out whether or not the Chinese Foreign minister is in some danger or he is just out of public view for some other unrelated reason.