“Covid is still an international emergency” says WHO
The world health organization (WHO) arranged a meeting of the emergency committee on Wednesday and declared that it is too early to lift the highest-level alert for the COVID crisis.
WHO concluded that the pandemic still constitutes a public health emergency of international concern (PHEIC).
The chief of world health organisation Tedros Adhanom said that he also agreed with the committee’s advice.

The chief of WHO Tedros Adhanam said that the global condition is obviously improving than the time when pandemic began but since viruses are still changing , the rate of risks and uncertainties are high.
The pandemic still has the potential to take lives if we are not careful enough.
India reported 1,946 new cases of coronavirus in the last 24 hours, the government said on Wednesday.
The coronavirus pandemic is caused by severe acute respiratory syndrome (SARS-CoV-2).The covid disease was first identified in Wuhan, China in december 1st, 2019.
The Initial flu-like symptoms lead to breathing difficulties which further can lead to serious condition, in worst case it can lead to death.
The WHO first declared the outbreak of Covid 19 on january 30,2020, after more than 100 cases of coronavirus was reported.
Since the declaration of covid 19 ,more than 622 million covid cases and more than 6.5 million deaths have been reported. These are only the believed approximate numbers of death, which is clearly an understatement.
Globally, there are 623,000,396 confirmed cases of covid-19 and 6,550,033 deaths reported to WHO.According to WHO, there are 44,634,376 confirmed cases of corona in india.

With the utilisation of proper vaccines, the cases of corona have been reduced. The new variants of Omicron have caused the death of many individuals in various countries. Other contagious variants of corona are alpha and beta variants.
- Get a booster if you’re eligible
- Get vaccinated
- Choose outdoor activities over indoor activities whenever possible
- Wash your hands often
- Avoid close contact with others
- Wear a mask in public places
- Stay home if you’re sick or have symptoms of COVID-19
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