Modern society equates thinness with health and beauty. People who are little more healthy are said to fat and ugly. This ideology has always been reflected in the kids stories, I can still remember a story I read when I was in nursery that their were two fairies one of them was eat food and she was shown greedy and one who eat only salads was thin once when the time came to flew then their was need to go through the window the thin one flew and fat one was stuck in the window.

After reading that short story I always believed that being fat was most bad thing because bad fairy was like that, until now I didn’t realized and thought about that story. But that’s the reality that our thinking has been shaped like that since our childhood.
When we see in social media people with those perfect beautiful bodies we think that it is the reality, and become insecure of our own self. But what we not know is that those people follows a proper balance diet and sweat a lot which they don’t show us. Then there are also filters and photo shop techniques which makes one slim in no time. But without knowing the reality we start skipping our meals and the things that we loved to eat, which leads to less attention span and anger frustration and can even lead to encounter of blackouts and tiredness.
I am not saying to eat anything but the thing is to maintain the proper balance of lifestyle the food which we consume should be filling and balanced.First lets overview types of disorders
Anorexia nervosa – a disorder characterized by the relentless pursuit of extreme thinness and by extreme weight loss.·

Bulimia nervosa – a disorder characterized by frequent eating binges that are followed by forced vomiting or other extreme compensatory behaviors to avoid gaining weight.
In Anorexia nervosa becoming thin is life’s central goal. They are afraid to become obese, by giving in to their growing desire to eat and losing control over the size and shape of their body. Karen Carpenter, the singer who developed anorexia nervosa at the peak of her career and died of related medical problems.
Approximately 90 to 95 percent of all cases of anorexia nervosa occur in females, the peak age onset between 14 and 18years. As many as 1 percent adolescent and young adult females develop the disorder and many more display atleast some of its symptoms. Moreover, anorexia nervosa seems to be increasing at present time.
Bulimia nervosa its eating without any compensation behaviors, often called binge-eating disorder. Great personality like , the queen of our hearts princess Diana even surved from this disorder.
Again it is mostly seen in 90 to 95 percent of the cases, most often between 15 and 19 years of age.
Earlier we noted they many people with eating disorder, particularly those with bulimia nervosa, experience symptoms of depression, such as sadness, low self-esteem, pessimism and errors in logic. this finding has led some theorists to conclude that mood disorders.
This claims supported by four kinds of evidence.
First, many people with an eating disorder qualify for a clinical diagnosis of major depression than people in the general populations.
Second, the close relatives of people with eating disorders apparently have a much higher rate of mood disorders than do close relatives of people without such disorder.
Although, such findings are consistent with the notion that depression helps cause eating disorders, alternative explanations are also possible. It is possible for example, that the pressure and pain of having an eating disorder help cause the mood disorder. Whatever the correct interpretation, it is clear that many people grappling with eating disorders also suffer from depression.
Todays treatment for eating disorders have two dimensions. First, they seek to correct as quickly as possible the pathological eating pattern that is endangering the persons health. Second, therapist try to address the broader psychological and situational factors that led to and now maintain the dysfunctional eating pattern. In addition, family and friends can play an important role in helping to correct the disorder.

· Weight restoring and resumption of eating
· Talking to someone who would understand you
· Taking help of therapist / psychologist
· Gaining love for food
· Trying to avoid insecurity
· Taking help in family and friends
Remember readers it is easy to write or say these things but doing so is really difficult. But we should try to console our selves and listen to Harry and Taylor. Take care readers for those who suffering get well soon. We all are with you and take help which you can get near you… looks doesn’t matter but health does.