It is often questioned if mankind has fallen so far beneath into a brutally mesmerizing state that we accept all even the “inferior” and detrimental, as though we have lost the will or vision to do any good for the fragile world?

Internal wars, organised criminal networkings and domestic repressions in countries with low income have raised concerns of international security Alongwith the aforementioned, terror attacks and unconventional loose-ended politics have prompted for an establishment of the broad concept of “fragile states” However, there are miscellaneous pathways that lead to this condition of fragility or weakness Consequently, concerns about lack of sensitivity to preserve individuality of each state have been a major cause in their fragility and the blueprints of such governments are found to be oblivious to national content, culture and history.

Fragile states
Thus in entirety, it is important to discuss a subset of fragile states, one that is upholding its socio-political identity by partaking in acute problems of the said state and quite ironically, posing some to the international community A relatively new term of “parallel state” is now widely in use to describe the formation and standing of a clandestine nexus between political leadership, self serving clique within the state framework mastered in violence.
The nature of such “parallel arrangement is to distort the standing and applicability of official governmental policies by taking forward the interests of cliques that embrace strong and lasting links to the state and outsiders, with specialisation in crime or violence.The conceptual similarity of the “parallel state” to other known variations of conventional statehood and the rule of law-the “counter-subversive” state of Latin America, the warlord regimes of West Africa and Afghanistan, to name a few-suggest that there may be nothing unique about the”parallel state” Many may appear doubtful of their powers beyond the fact that they fall in a large domain of social conflict, unofficially permitting the use of force and criminal non state use of violence.

As we build upon the idea of a state, it is also important to note that each nation conducts its relation with others on their particular understandings of one another’s legal status. These understandings can be undisputed and amount to recognition of the status quo like the United Kingdom and its dealing with France. Sometimes, however, a state can take a position which challenges the existing order, such as recognizing new state-for example the claim of Kosovo in 2008 to constitute a state comprising territory formerly part of Serbia.

There are two main international law aspects to the recognition process. Sometimes, a state is or is not a state legally because amongst various other aspects, remaining states have decided to treat it as such It is also true that states are sometimes constrained in their choices when it comes to recognition. These two aspects are related, and can cause tension as a state seeks recognition to create a new sovereign arrangement challenging the legal status quo and thus is potentially at odds with their obligations to other states.
A large number of recognitions may progress to claim statehood even in circumstances where conditions for statehood have been fulfilled, however imperfectly. According to the declarative theory of statehood, the act of recognition signifies the acceptance of a factual situation that is already in existence. In simplest terms, it is in conformity with the criteria of statehood. However, the constitutive theory is of the standing that it is the act of recognition itself that actually creates the state.

While the understanding and implementation of all this is unsolicited, let’s reiterate the wise words of Charles Tilly, “within the purview of most historical governments, multiple parties have exercised some control over violent means with varying degrees of authorisation by government, and their relations to governments have shifted rapidly.” However, the questions remain, why certain insurgencies seek a metaphorically tranquil statehood while others are disregarded and left to swim (or drown) in the sea of sharks. Though the question of most importance – Does the issue descend between the non-conventional terminologies like the “fragile state” and the “parallel state” or rather fragile implementations and poles apart parallel theories and reforms?
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