Sony is known for making its innovative devices. Here are a few of the odd devices you didn’t know existed.
Every tech company keeps experimenting and tries to develop the latest devices that would steer excitement and curiosity in every human. Besides that, they also try to come up with items that either are a better version of an already existing version or an entirely new device with the latest and new technology. One such well-known and popular tech brand is Sony, which originated in Japan.
It has given a variety of high-tech and valuable devices such as the mobile Sony Xperia, headphones, earphones, printers, speakers, food processors, and many others. However, it also had its fair share of weird products.
Thus, let us have a look at a few weird Sony products.
- The first, foremost device we are going to talk about is an MP3 player, called Rolly.
- Rolly is an autonomous egg-shaped robot and comes with an in-built speaker.
- Considered the weirdest Sony product. It was launched in 2007 and was worth $400.
- After its launch, it wasn’t able to amaze people. However, it proved that workers at Sony were highly creative and intelligent for coming up with such a device.
- What was weird about the product was that it started to flap its wings when music was played, flashed lights, and jiggled like a robot.
Aibo Robotic Pet
- The second weird product we have is known as Aibo Robotic Pet.
- It was considered strange as Sony was famous for televisions and cassette players, and robot pets from such a brand came as a shock to many.
- However, it presented a robotic device where robots highly amused people.
- When the device was launched, it was described as a “futuristic robo-dog”.
- Sony was appreciated for the same. Their puppy-like robot didn’t receive praises as it was noisy and made from plastic.
- One thing must be noted that Sony members were extremely attached to this device.
- In case a robot stopped working and wasn’t able to be repaired, they held funerals for the same.
Tablet P.
- Another weird product by the company is their Tablet P.
- The brand started to experiment way before the launch of Galaxy Z Fold 3 and came up with a tablet that came with two 5.5-inch display screens and could be folded and kept in the back pocket of jeans easily.
- Unfortunately, when the product launched in the market, it didn’t praise the people.
- When Tablet P. was launched, people weren’t ready to accept such a high-tech technology. Thus, it failed in the market.
Sony eVilla
- Next up, we have Sony eVilla, a computer created especially for internet-based works.
- The product took a year and a half to develop, yet, it came as a failure.
- It was launched in June 2001 in the markets, and just 3 months later, it was sent back to Song ware-houses as it failed to woo the customers.
- Unlike other computers, Sevilla was portrait-shaped and had a 15-inch CRT display.
- Another reason for its failure is its limitations of performing just a few tasks as it only worked if it had access to the internet.
- The internet wasn’t in full swing as it is now.
FES Watch U
- The last Sony product we have is its FES Watch U.
- The watch was 100% customizable and came with an electronic ink face and strap display.
- Unlike the smartwatch, it didn’t provide notifications or measure the pulse rate.
- It was described as a fashion watch and could only be customizable.
- Its USP, according to Sony, was that the FES Watch U could change the boring-flat-looking appearance of the watch.
- Owing to its limitations, the people weren’t curious to purchase it.
So, these were the five weirdest Sony products. Some were way ahead of their time and thus couldn’t connect with the customers, and some were too tacky to handle.
Published By: Khushboo Mehta
Edited By: Mahi Gupta