Why Hindi Journalism Day on 30th May ?
Today we will talk about a mission that has created a new light in the society along with making the world aware. No matter what the circumstances were, it never shied away from its mission. Starting with the pen 196 years ago, This journey that took place has reached digitalisation. Today is a very special day for Hindi Journalists. Today is 30th May. The date is celebrated as ‘Hindi Journalism Day’ in India. Journalism is also called the mirror of society.
Hindi journalism has seen its ups and downs over many periods in its long journey. In our democratic country, it is also considered as the ‘Fourth Pillar’. However, the nature of journalism has completely changed in the last decade. Today journalism has been absorbed in digital form not only in India but all over the world. Kind of a ‘quick’. Any incident that happened in any corner of the world reaches us in a few minutes. Now, It has become fast paced journalism, online journalism, web based. Information exchange at the present time, delivery has started very fast.
In digital journalism, all types of news, features and reports, editorial material, etc., is delivered through the Internet. In this, the content is also broadcast in the form of audio and video with the help of new networking technology. In the present time, the nature of journalism has changed, work
The style of doing has changed, the mood has changed, but its ‘reliability’ still remains in the country and the world. We are standing on every front in furthering the mission of journalism. Hindi journalism has come a long way.

History of Indian Journalism
Hindi journalism was started from Bengal on 30 May 1826. Hindi journalism in India originated from Bengal. Pandit Jugal Kishore Shukla, a resident of Kanpur, UP started the publication of the first Hindi newspaper ‘Udant Martand’ on 30 May 1826 from Kolkata (when Calcutta). The literal meaning of Udanta Martand is ‘news-sun’. It was like the sun of the world. This letter was published at a time when Hindi speakers were asked to write their own language. The need was felt. Keeping this objective in mind, ‘Udant Martand’ was published. Jugal Kishore Shukla, who started Hindi journalism, has a special respect in the world of Hindi journalism. Due to the paucity of money, the publication of ‘Udant Martand’ could not be published for a long time. finally at the end of 1927. Its publication has been discontinued. After this many newspapers started publishing in the country. They played an important role in the freedom struggle. This mission started 196 years ago in the country. The ‘credibility’ continues to this day. India celebrates Hindi Journalism Day every year on 30th May in memory of Udant Martand. As the freedom struggle gained momentum, there was a steady rise of Hindi journalism both in terms of quality and quantity. Hindi journalism made rapid progress during the First World War period and many outstanding journalists came to the fore including Ganga Prasad Gupta, Nanda Kumar Deo Dharma, M. P. Dwivedi, Hari Krishna Jouhar, Chhote Ram Shukla, Indra Vidyavachaspati, Shri Ram Pandey, Lakshminarayan Garde and Narmada Prasad Misra. One of the foremost Hindi journalists who earned a name for his patriotism was Ganesh Shanker Vidyarthi.Even social workers such as Raja Ram Mohan Roy and Mahatma Gandhi has played roles in Hindi Journalism of India.

Importance of Hindi in Journalism
Journalism, is the fourth pillar of democracy, which plays an important role in nation building. Democracy without journalism is incomplete. Journalism is associated with the judiciary, executive and legislature. government of any country. Journalism also has a big contribution in running. Providing information to people no matter how complex the circumstances, For this, the journalists stand on the spot like a ‘warrior’.

Today on the occasion of Hindi journalism day let’s give great salute to all the journalists who started this profession in the difficult circumstances of that period. And even now to those who are doing great work by the help of media power. The Indian language newspapers covered the mental gap between readers in rural areas and the English language press.Local language newspapers reflected the views of their readers more accurately and in clearer terms than English newspapers. Hindi newspapers played a constructive role in the promotion of government policies. Hindi newspapers helped the understanding of political process and as a result more and more people were attracted to active politics. Hindi newspapers played an important role during elections for propaganda and views on local affairs.
Nation’s pride the Hindi language has an incomparable contribution in the field of journalism. Even today, Hindi journalism continues to play an important role in reaching the issues of social concern and public interest in an accessible manner with effective positivity. Today, there are many children and youths in the society who are forgetting the common words of our national language Hindi in the context of English, they speak or understand even common hindi words in a wrong way. In daily life, it is necessary to bring Hindi language in colloquial as well as common practice. At the same time, in the changing social environment, the youth should also adopt Hindi along with other linguistic knowledge on priority in the study style.
- Hindi journalism day
- National journalism day of India