According to Kerry Boylea Health expert, from gyalabs sleeping on your front is the least healthy way to lie
Everyone has a favored sleeping position, but a specialist has cautioned that one posture may cause joint discomfort and other health problems.
Our health and well-being are greatly influenced by how much sleep we get. Without enough, it’s difficult to maintain our bodily and mental health. The position in which you sleep, however, might also impact your health.

She cautioned, “Back pain and sleep can sometimes go hand in hand.
There are many essential oil blends for sleep, some of the blends include sweet dreams essential oil blend, good night’s sleep blend, sweet winter nights essential oil blend, and anxiety-free blend. Essential oils have calming properties, and it promotes relaxation, thus resulting in sound and relaxed sleep.
“If you already experience back pain, you may find that the agony keeps you awake. In addition, not getting enough sleep might make your back pain worse because your body does not have enough time to repair its tissues while you are asleep.
One of the worst sleeping positions for back pain is on your stomach since it puts abnormal strain on your spine.

It compels your neck to rotate to either the right or left side, which may impede the flow of spinal fluid, lymph, and blood and aggravate joint discomfort.
“Sleeping on your side or in the fetal position is better than sleeping on your stomach if you have trouble falling asleep on your back.
Side sleepers who cannot switch to back sleeping are urged to place a pillow between their knees to neutralize their spine and adjust their hip flexors.
Snorers should also sleep on their sides because lying on their backs can amplify their snoring.
Instead, Ms. Pritchard advised lying on your back.
How to improve your sleep
She explained that the vertebrae in your back could spontaneously align in a neutral posture without any kinks or curves when you sleep on your back.
While sleeping on your right side is good for your heart, resting on your back may be better for your spine. Only the posture on your stomach is deemed unhealthy because it puts a lot of strain on your spine.
Back sleeping is the most advised posture for people with back discomfort, although various positions may be better depending on your height, weight, or previous injuries.

She said that back sleeping offers a “variety” of additional health advantages in addition to easing back discomfort.
Try doing something fun in this position for several nights if sleeping on your back initially feels uncomfortable. For instance, you could listen to your favorite podcast or music while lying comfortably on your back.
“These activities will assist in conditioning your mind to connect ease with this position.
When resting on their backs, many people feel exposed, but you can combat this by using a variety of pillows to support you. Most individuals think of being supported with one cushion under each arm and one under the knees.
Persistence is critical; even if you sleep on your back, you’ll probably end up in a different position when you wake up. Simply flip back to your back and try again when you awaken.
You will eventually spend the majority of your time sleeping on your back.
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