Following the suspected consumption of tainted water, four persons perished and at least 146, including 44 children, were unwell in the Kavadigarahatti neighbourhood of Chitradurga, Karnataka. From 36 to 149 people have been admitted to hospitals, which is another increase.

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Deaths Due to Consumption of Contaminated Water
On July 31, a water contamination event was reported. After drinking water that had been contaminated, Manjula (age 23) and Raghu (age 27), both residents of Kavadigarahatti on the outskirts of Chitradurga, died and 36 other people became ill. On July 31, Praveen, who had visited his relatives in the hamlet, passed away the following day in Vaddarasiddanahalli. Four people have already died as a result of the water poisoning case that was recorded in Kavadigarahatti of the Chitradurga district, according to officials.
The residents of Kavadigarahatti community reported experiencing diarrhoea and vomiting on July 31 after drinking tainted water from the Chitradurga City Municipal Council’s taps.
Following the suspected consumption of contaminated water, three persons perished and at least 146, including 44 children, were unwell in the Kavadigarahatti neighbourhood of Chitradurga, Karnataka. On August 4, another individual allegedly perished at Kavadigara Hatti in Karnataka’s Chitradurga district as a result of drinking tainted water. With this passing, there are now four fatalities reported in the community.
“No youngster is in a life-threatening condition, and each one is responding to treatment. The ages of the three deceased range from 23 to 27. A representative of the Chitradurga District Administration was quoted by South First as saying that “all the people are receiving treatment at the district health hospital.”
Action Taken by the Government
Four out of the five water samples that were obtained, according to District Health Officer (DHO) R Ranganath, appear to be unsafe for human consumption.
Four out of the five water samples that were taken appear to be unsafe for human consumption. The vibrio cholerae bacteria [was detected] in the lab results, it was discovered. He told South First, “We are awaiting the whole and in-depth water study result.”
The possibility that a hazardous substance was also introduced to the water was raised. Test results for the samples were recently sent. The samples were gathered and transmitted to the labs after the autopsies of the three deceased, he continued.
There were no harmful chemicals discovered, according to the FSL analysis on the water sample. Following the filing of a POCSO lawsuit against a localite, it was claimed that criminals may have poisoned the water. The research has, however, verified that the catastrophe was caused by water poisoning.
Chief Minister Siddaramaiah had commissioned an investigation into certain recent occurrences and complaints, but he has not yet implemented measures to guarantee needy areas have access to clean drinking water.
AEE R. Manjunath Giraddi and JE S.R. Kiran Kumar, who are employed by the Chitradurga Municipality, has been recommended for suspension in a report that was provided by the authorities. The district commissioner also suspended Prakash, who operated valves in Kavadigarahatti.

Increase in Deaths Due to Water Contamination
The Karnataka government is facing a difficult problem as a result of the rising number of water pollution deaths, particularly because some rural settlements, notably in North Karnataka, have poor water quality that is seriously endangering residents’ health.
At least 40 deaths have been attributed to water poisoning, according to health department officials, since 2021. The most fatalities were recorded on September 21, 2021, when six residents of a distant village in the Vijayanagar district perished and over a hundred needed medical attention.
Since then, just one to two instances each month have been documented, mostly in the districts of Koppal, Raichur, Chitradurga, and Belagavi.
“Many villages rely on public taps, hand pumps, or wells for drinking water, and these are all subjected to contamination,” said PG Gangadhar, convener of an NGO trying to address the ongoing lack of safe drinking water in North Karnataka districts.” The water from almost all of these sources is already contaminated, making it dangerous to drink.” “Although several villages have had water purifiers installed by previous governments, it is not enough to suit the demands of the population.”
The remains of a woman who allegedly died as a result of tainted drinking water was brought by the local inhabitants to a flash protest on Wednesday. Gastroenteritis has been reported in several communities, with the cause being attributed to tainted water.
A. Narayanaswamy, the Union Minister of State for Social Justice and Empowerment of India and the MP for Chitradurga, visited the deceased Rudrappa’s home and consoled the grieving family.
In Chitradurga, protesters charged K.C. Veerendra Pappi, a local Congress MLA, and the administration with carelessness. MLA Pappi visited Basaveshwara hospital after the demonstration led by Dalit leaders and religious leader Shri Shivasharana Haralaiah.