More than 93% of foster children have supportive feelings about their adoption; they understand that adoption is incredibly special and that they are loved by both their biological and adopted parents.

Today, the world’s total population is eight billion. Half of the world’s population is expected to face water scarcity as early as 2025. Earthquakes are becoming more common. There is always crowding everywhere: trains, metros, malls, parks, hospitals, and traffic on roads. By 2050, the world population is estimated to be 10.3 billion. Today, when the population is 8 billion, we see crowds everywhere, spend 3 hours in traffic every day, and have to take doctors’ appointments about 2-3 days prior. What will happen when this number is increased by 2.5 billion in the next few years?
Read more: 8 Billion people and counting….what will the world population be in 2050? (

The reasons behind people’s desire to have a biological child are to make a family, to carry on the family values and name, social pressure, wanting to have their own special creation, to have someone to love, and “Apna Khoon Apna Hi Hota Hai.”
The purpose is to ensure the survival of the race, but now that the population has grown to such proportions, the race’s survival is dependent on a degree of population control.
Today, 35% of the global population is going for IVF treatments and surrogacy just to have their own biological child. The IVF treatment is not as simple as it sounds. It is very painful; the medicine is given by injection several times a day, and the person also experiences headaches, abdominal pain, bloating, mood swings, and many more side effects. In exceedingly rare cases, the treatment sometimes causes ovarian hyperstimulation syndrome. Whereas surrogacy is also an awfully expensive and complicated medical process.

People intend to pursue these emotionally draining, costly, and complicated procedures rather than consider adoption and providing a child with a family, personal care, stability, and attention, due to myths such as:
- They will want to know about their birth parents one day.
- An adopted child may not inherit family values and culture.
- Biological parents can take their kids back.
- Adopted kids are out of control and dangerous.
- Foster children do not “fit in” with the family.
- Birth parents give them up for adoption because they do not want them.
- Birth mothers are escorts or addicts.
- Adoption is the last option to make a family.
- Foster kids are emotionally damaged.

- Adoption allows individuals, couples of the same gender, and those struggling with infertility to start a family.
- It fulfils the dream of raising a child without giving birth to them.
- Foster parents and biological parents both can face difficulties and struggle in their relationship with their children.
- Many mothers give up their children for adoption just to give their children a better life.
- A child receives a life full of educational opportunities like going to college, which is neglected in foster care.
- Proper healthcare was provided to the children, which would not have been possible in foster care.
Also read: Everything You Should Know About GROWTH HORMONE INJECTIONS (