Metabolic Syndrome also known as Insulin Resistance Syndrome refers to a cluster of diseases that occur at the same time, and subsequently pose a serious threat to the overall health of a body specifically cardiovascular and metabolic systems. Additionally, it increases the risk of a person developing type-2 diabetes and having a stroke. The condition is characterized by excessive weight gain, high blood pressure levels, high triglyceride levels, and low levels of HDL.
The syndrome can be caused due to multiple lifestyle habits like smoking, drinking alcohol, eating unhealthy food, following a sedentary style of living, and abdominal weight gain due to multiple reasons. This results in an imbalance in the process of metabolism, therefore, devoiding the body of the required energy.
Dr. Neena Luthra, an expert dietitian as well as a nutritionist based in Chandigarh discusses ways to deal with this particular health issue.
- Weight Control: Being overweight can give rise to a lot of problems like cardiovascular diseases, diabetes, and high blood pressure among many others. It is vital to understand the causes of weight gain before adopting a course of action.
Dr. Luthra added also that “weight gain can be caused by a variety of factors other than over-eating. For instance, the consumption of steroids can cause an increase in weight. In order to cure the sickness that the body is already battling, steroids cause the body to create excessive hormones and extra chemicals. Therefore, it is very important to understand the history of the patient before prescribing a diet.”
- Having a balanced diet: Health experts always recommend a balanced diet that includes foods with complex carbohydrates, macronutrients, and fiber with an adequate portion of protein. Having the right kind of food at an appropriate time is of utmost importance. People who are overweight or obese must avoid eating fatty food and saturated fats for they are bad for the cardiovascular health of a person. Following fad diets blindly can cause stress on the body for these usually involve drastic dietary changes.
- Stress management is a must: There is a direct co-relation between cortisol levels and chronic stress levels. If the stress levels are high, the body will be over-exposed to cortisols that act as an aggressive appetite stimulant. People who are under mental stress tend to binge eat or resort to smoking or drinking which is injurious to mental as well as physical help.
- Obesity is genetic: She further added that “obesity is again not always because of overconsumption of food.” When asked as to what should be the course of action for such patients, she said, “Such patients are suggested to have complex carbohydrates as opposed to simple carbohydrates. Food items like oats, millet, brown rice to name a few all fall under the category of complex carbohydrates. They are rich in fibre and are also nutrient-dense.”
Another cause of concern is that obesity knows no age. A person can be diagnosed with obesity at any age. Adults usually become obese when they start following a “sedentary lifestyle. The corporate culture of overworking causes people to stay physically inactive for long hours is one of the major reasons for triggering lifestyle diseases.”
- Physical Activity: Dr Luthra strongly suggests exercising, especially aerobic fitness. “Cardio exercises are extremely beneficial, but the focus should be less on weights.” Aerobic exercises include swimming, jogging, and walking to name a few. Indulging in such activities “causes a release of good hormones or happy hormones.”
Health experts suggest that simple and quick 30-minute walk can be very beneficialfor weight loss.
- Take immediate professional help: In case there is a sudden spike in weight or a sudden drop, it is very important to consult a doctor. As stated above, weight gain cannot always be attributed to excessive consumption of food. For instance, hormonal problems like hypothyroidism and hyper-thyroidism cause weight fluctuations. It is extremely crucial to consult an endocrinologist and a professional dietitian so that the body gets the correct nutrition vis-à-vis the medication.
After learning that the patient has hormonal difficulties or any other co-morbidity, Dr. Luthra added: “A person should be sure to visit a physician before making any significant dietary or exercise modifications. If this isn’t done, the body may occasionally enter a deadly hypoglycemic state especially in the case of type 2 diabetics.”
To effectively manage calorie intake while preventing the body from stress, there needs to be a healthy balance that has to be maintained between eating and exercising.

read more : New Study: Blood Clotting is the Root Cause of Long Covid Syndrome