On the celebratory occasion of India’s 75th Independence day on 15th August 2022, India donated 15,000 bicycles to Madagascar. India’s Embassy in Madagascar and Comoros tweeted on Monday about the gesture on India’s part and expressed hope to strengthen the bond between the two nations.
India’s Ambassador to Madagascar and Comoros, Abhay Kumar hoisted India’s national flag to celebrate India’s 75th Independence Day in Antananarivo. Here, a bunch of people attended the flag hoisting ceremony along with Prime Minister Christian Ntsasy. In addition, to signify solidarity and friendship between Indian Ocean neighbours, Abhay Kumar and Madagascar’s Prime Minister Christian Ntsay rode bicycles together.

75th Independence Day celebration in Antananarivo.
At the Independence day event in Antananarivo, Ambassador Abhay Kumar emphasized that bicycles symbolise sustainable living and are the future. He further added, “They are the symbol of India’s support to strengthen the education sector in Madagascar as these bicycles are meant for the students and teachers of Madagascar.”
PM Christian Ntsay congratulated India on completing 75 years of independence and expressed his thanks on behalf of the President of Madagascar, Andry Rajoelina and the people of Malagasy. “For the Malagasy government, this is a symbol of the high quality of the relationship between India and Madagascar. India is a true friend of Madagascar.” expressed Ntsay.

Ambassador Abhay Kumar also announced India is donating 5,000 metric tonnes of rice to deal with the humanitarian crisis in Southern Madagascar. Upon arrival from Toamasina port, the Government of Madagascar will have the consignment.
Ahead of 15th August, Antananarivo’s Town Hall was lit up in India’s tri-colour flag to commemorate India’s 75 years of independence. This came in response to Azaadi ka Amrit Mahotsav, an initiative by the Government of India. The Indian Government launched this initiative to encourage Indians all over the world to hoist flags. The initiative encourages individuals to develop a personal bond with the flag rather than a formal one.