On the festival of Holi on Friday, Prime Minister Narendra Modi extended his greetings. Modi tweeted “Wishing you all a very Happy Holi. Prime Minister Narendra Modi tweeted-“ May this festival of colors, a symbol of mutual love, affection and brotherhood, bring every color of happiness in your life”.
To strenghthen the bonds of friendship and amity that hold the society togethere were some of the words said by the Honorable Vice President Shri Venkaiah Naidu on Thursday while extending greetings on the eve of Holi to the nation.

Adequate security arrangements for Holi celebrations to keep hooligans at bay and drunken driving in check is arranged by the Delhi Police on Thursday. The Honorable President Shri Ramnath Kovind wished everyone- “Hearty congratulations and best wishes to all the countrymen on the auspicious occasion of Holi, the festival of colors, is a living example of social harmony and togetherness. It marks the onset of the spring season. I wish that this festival infuses joy, enthusiasm and new energy into the lives of all the countrymen”. People on Holi were also greeted by several Union Ministers, including Amith Shah, Rajnath Singh and Mukhtar Abbas Naqvi.

Also Australian Prime Minister Scott Morrison extended his heartliest wishes on Holi to Indian Australian Community and said that “Holi holds even more meaning this year. As we reach the end of a second pandemic year, we can be thankful for the many things that have sustained us- our famly, community and faith.”
Published By :- Shubham Agarwal
Edited By :- Khushi Thakur