New successful experiment
Can someone be alive after being buried in snow for thousands of years? This is impossible. Because after being buried in snow for thousands of years, no living being will survive. But scientist made an organism alive after 24 thousand years. Scientists were able to revive a tiny, microscopic animal called a bdelloid rotifer that had been frozen in the Siberian permafrost for 24,000 years, reports Marion Renault for the New York Times. The wiggling, the microscopic critter was even able to reproduce, despite having spent tens of thousands of years in a deep freeze of around 14 degrees Fahrenheit.
Rotifers look a bit like translucent worms and tend to inhabit freshwater or moist soils. Like tardigrades or water bears, rotifers are renowned for their toughness in the face of radiation, extreme cold, dehydration and low oxygen levels, reports George Dvorsky for Gizmodo. But this new study, published this week in the journal Current Biology, sets the bar even higher.

Samples were taken from 11.5 feet below in Siberia. Bdelloid rotifers are extremely microscopic organisms and it is hard to give life back to them. The story was published as a scientific report in Current Biology. The scientists sampled from under 11.5 feet of ice from Siberia’s permafrost. The sample was heated slowly. After that, an environment was created for the microorganisms present in it to survive. The organism that scientists have made alive is ancient Delloid rotifers (Bdelloid rotifers). It has the power to survive in any kind of adverse weather. Like – It survives drought, severe cold, hunger, and even low oxygen. But doesn’t respond from the body, and remains in a coma.
They had previously identified single-celled microbes capable of similar feats. In terms of multicellular organisms, there has been a report of a 30,000-year-old nematode worm coming back to life, and mosses and some plants also have been regenerated after many thousands of years trapped in the ice.

Not only did he live again, it also reproduce
Bdelloid rotifers not only survived but also reproduced after 24 thousand years did. He created new rotifers through the process of asexually i.e. parthenogenesis. Last year From the discovery made till now, scientists are studying this Deloid rotifers. It will help in the study of organisms. This organism will help as a model to study freezing survival and drying survival in this group, and compare this group to other tough animals like tardigrades, nematodes and so on.