The demand for EVs has increased enormously in recent years which in turn denotes the demand for lithium-ion batteries which are considered to be the best battery technology by huge Automakers like Tesla. Due to their high efficiency and lightweight, Lithium-ion batteries are dominating the field of EVs making it hard to replace with Lead-Acid or Nickel Cadmium batteries. Though Lithium-ion technology is the clear market dominator the tech giants are rigorously researching to replace it with better technology. In that list of better Sodium-ion batteries are of higher interest due to key factors as follows:
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Li is extracted by hard rock mining which could cause a loss of biodiversity and destructive mining extraction could make the groundwater around the mine contaminated. The process of extraction of 1 ton of Li releases 15 tons of CO2 into the atmosphere which is a Greenhouse gas.
When extraction of Li has negative impacts on the environment then it’s a pointless argument to say that “EVs could replace petroleum engines which are not environmentally friendly”. On the other hand extraction of sodium has minimal impact on the environment.
Sodium is the 6th common element in the Earth’s crust, the higher percentage of Sodium is found in the form of Sodium Chloride which could be extracted on a large scale from the crystallization of seawater. Sodium is also 12,000 times more common compared to Li. So the high availability of Sodium over Lithium makes it a reliable battery technology.
Lithium-ion batteries are not handled properly could cause a disastrous event called Thermal Runaway which is the effect of the battery catching fire or exploding. Lithium-ion batteries are also dangerous when they are prone to mechanical abuse, overcharging, or internal short circuits, Lithium is also fragile. Sodium-ion batteries are more robust and have significantly higher Thermal Sustainability making it safer for usage compared to Li batteries.

CATL which is one of the leading Chinese battery manufacturers has been involved in deeper research into developing Sodium-ion battery technology. The first version of the Sodium-ion battery has the following power spec:
- Lithium-ion battery-200 Watt hr per kilogram
- Sodium-ion battery-150 Watt hr per kilogram
and the Sodium-ion battery was bulky making it hard to put to use. But the recent development of CATL leads to making an efficient Sodium-ion battery which is 8% cheaper and 10% reduction in weight. The mission is set up to increase the energy to 201 Watt hr per kg making it more powerful than a Lithium-ion batteries. CATL is aimed to produce batteries not only for Automakers like Tesla but also for low-cost stationary energy storage electronics.
Only two firms in the World have this Sodium-ion battery technology, FARADIAN is one of those two and Reliance had made a huge investment of Rs 1360 Cr in Faradian for the development of Sodium-ion technology. At present, it could provide returns of only 2Cr but Reliance is planning to dominate the Rs 3 lakh Cr future market.
The trend of technology is unpredictable and the shift to Sodium-ion batteries has an equal possibility of getting failed or even getting expanded in the Market. Sodium-ion batteries have the potential to make the domination in field of batteries.