The Russian invasion of Ukraine has been around the corner for a very long time. Recently, the Ukrainian government has decided to cut 20% of the electricity because of a Russian invasion. According to sources, the Russian forces have been carrying out a series of energy infrastructure. This is used to target the Ukrainian government.
What are some parts of the Ukrainian government doing?
In recent times, the Ukrainian government has plans of reducing 20% of the electricity in order to stop the Russian strikers. This decision was taken on the basis of the Russians striking hit outputs into Ukraine.
According to the Ukrainian chief (as made in a written statement to AFP), Volodymyr, “We are grateful to both people who have reduced their consumption at home”. He is also grateful to the offices and businesses that are saving electricity.
“We see savings in different regions and on different days the level of voluntary consumption reduction ranges from 5 to 20 % on an average,” he said.
The chiefs added by saying that there are “significant volumes” for the Ukrainian energy system. As these energies are not sufficient for the whole of the country to survive for the next few days or months.
Russian forces attacks
The Russian forces have been targeting Ukrainian energy infrastructure in the past few days. The energy buildings have been attacked on various occasions in the country starting from Saturday, morning. According to one of the officials of Ukrainians, Kudrustkyi, the strikes have been going on since October 10th-12th. He also claimed that the attack on the energy infrastructure is the biggest attack ever taken place in the entire European history.
On October 10, the Russian government attacked the Ukrainian city of Kyiv with 80 missiles. The place where the attack took place- one of the key bridges is directly linked to the Crimean peninsula in Russia. This made the attackers more agitated due to which the attack took place on a larger scale.
Ukrainian Chiefs say on the attacks
The Ukrainian chief, Kudritskyi said, “The enemy has one goal-to sow panic among the population, intimidate energy workers, bring the energy systems to a crisis state”. In response to the statement, made, Ukrengo gave already established 70 repair cowers with 1000 specialists.
According to Kudritskyi, “Depending on the degree of the damage after the shelling, it is possible to restore power supply within a period of several hours to a day”. The energy level is yet to make sure by the electricity department of Ukraine.
As of now, they are already going under an invasion made by Russia. The electricity must be cut by 20% at the earliest.