Hindsight Bias

(Confidence Creating Memory Distorter) 

…was going to happen ...

We create a memory, where we knew what…  

..or "I knew this was going to happen..."

...and then we say “I told you so… 

Availability Bias  

(The Lens You See The World Through) 

… we tell ourselves, it creates irrational fears. 

We see the world through the stories... 

... by adding personal details to it.

We make the stories more realistic, while telling others...

Availability Cascade  

(A Self-Sustaining Chain Of Events) 

…not because it’s true… 

People begin to adopt the belief…  

… but because it is popular

…or it’s prevalent…  

Sunk Cost Fallacy  

(The Escalation Of Commitment) 

… just because we’ve already… 

We stick around to something…  

… “We can’t go back now…” 

… given it too much, we say to ourselves…  

For More 

By-  Shubham Singh  Rawat