Chandrayaan-3's Vikram Lander establishes communication with Chandrayaan-2 orbiter.

Soft landing on the Moon surface scheduled for Wednesday.

Chandrayaan-2 orbiter welcomes Chandrayaan-3's Lander Module.

Live telecast of landing event begins at 17:20 Hrs. IST.

Image Sourse - Twitter/ISRO

Countdown for landing on Moon's south pole has started.

Chandrayaan-3 completes all orbit and debossing manoeuvres successfully.

Lander Module separates from Propulsion Module within the spacecraft.

Lander Vikram deploys payloads including ChaSTE and ILSA.

Chandrayaan-3's landing will be broadcasted live from Monday.

Successful landing will be a significant achievement for India's space program.

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By - Shubhankar Das