Disputed Science Theories

String Theory 

String Theory proposes that fundamental particles are not point-like but instead tiny strings vibrating in higher dimensions. 

Multiverse Theory 

The Multiverse Theory suggests the existence of multiple universes, each with its own set of physical laws and properties. 

Cold Fusion 

Cold Fusion is the hypothesis that nuclear fusion reactions can occur at or near room temperature, potentially providing a clean and abundant energy source. 


Panspermia proposes that life on Earth may have originated from microorganisms or organic molecules transported through space on comets, asteroids, or other celestial bodies.

The Great Filter 

The Great Filter theory speculates that there are substantial barriers or challenges that prevent civilizations from reaching advanced stages of development, which may explain the apparent absence of extraterrestrial intelligence. 

Biological Quantum Entanglement 

Biological Quantum Entanglement suggests that quantum phenomena, such as entanglement, play a role in biological processes, potentially influencing cellular processes and even consciousness.

The Electric Universe 

The Electric Universe theory proposes that electric forces and plasma play a more significant role than gravity in shaping celestial bodies and phenomena.

Hollow Earth 

The Hollow Earth theory postulates that the Earth is hollow or contains large, habitable spaces within it, often suggesting that there is an inner sun or a hidden civilization inside. 

Expanding Earth 

The Expanding Earth theory challenges the concept of plate tectonics by suggesting that the Earth's continents have been increasing in size over time due to the planet's expansion. 

Phlogiston Theory

The Phlogiston Theory, proposed in the 17th century, suggested the existence of a fire-like element called phlogiston, which was believed to be released during combustion and explained chemical reactions.

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By: Gauri Dhingra