Most Mysterious Places in the World - I 

Khadija Kagzi

Reed Flute Cave, Guangxi, China

It is a natural limestone cave with multi-colored lighting. But the reason behind the colored lighting is still a mystery.

Crooked Forest, Poland

This forest appears to be bent over almost 90 degrees at the trunk, before twisting back straight again and growing vertically into the Slavic sky.

Richat Structure, Mauritania

Swirling, spinning, twisting like a cyclone through Sahara Desert, the great Richat Structure in the depths of Mauritania is something truly mysterious.

Area 51 (Nevada)

It is located within the Nevada Test and Training Range, the secrecy surrounding it led to rumours of UFOs and aliens, wild government experiments and even a staged moon landing on the premises.  

Lake Hillier (Australia)

With its bubblegum-pink waters, Australia's Lake Hillier might have the most unique and pretty waters in the world, but the reason for Lake Hillier's color remains a mystery.

Fairy Circles (Namibia)

These eerie ovals of soil surrounded by rings of grass are known as "fairy circles" because their defined shape and pattern look as if they've been created by small spritely creatures.