Most Popular and Affordable Study Abroad Destinations

Choosing a right place to study can be challenging and intimidating. There are various criteria’s like program, scholarship; cost, future prospects, etc. are needed to be considered while selecting the right destination. Here is the list of most popular and affordable study abroad destinations.


France boasts several highly ranked and well-regarded universities and business schools. It offers many opportunities with a diverse range of career goals and prospects. 


Germany provides a diverse range of programs, high-quality education and long-term career opportunities. It is a popular study abroad destination due to its cheaper costs and the presence of a booming economy.


Singapore is a highly competitive and well-developed economy and is one of the leading financial hubs of Southeast Asia. It has a diverse student population and offers World-class education, job opportunities along with top-notch infrastructure. 


Japan is home to several top-ranked universities and offers high quality education and a unique opportunity to experience the culture and traditions of the vibrant country while also gaining valuable business skills and knowledge. 


Australia offers excellent education system, high standard of living, relaxed lifestyle, natural beauty and vibrant city life as well as its high-end research opportunities, and excellent career prospects making it a hot favourite study destination.


Ireland is renowned for providing quality professional education. The country boasts stunning locations and has a rich history & culture and has a fast-paced economy.


China is a great place to study abroad with its world class universities, top-quality education, diverse curriculum, rich culture, affordable fees, and vibrant student life.


Spain is known for its weather, vibrant culture and hosts some of the best business school in Europe; it offers quality education at affordable cost.