Supermoons in 2024.

A supermoon, which can appear bigger and brighter than usual, occurs when the moon is full at the same time that it's at the closest point to Earth in its orbit.

There will be four supermoons in 2024. Here are the dates:

1. July 3, 2024   Buck Moon

This moon coincides with the time of the year when male deer grow new antlers. In 2024, this moon will be the first supermoon of the year.

2. August 1, 2024  Sturgeon Moon

Judging by its name, the fishing is good during this moon—especially for sturgeon .

3. August 30, 2024 Blue Moon

When there are two full moons in one month, the second is called a blue moon. This moon will also be a supermoon, making it extra unusual.

4. September 29, 2024 (Harvest Moon

It is during the helpful light of this moon that corn is often harvested. This will be the last supermoon of the year.