Benefits of Fasting - A break from Ingesting Food

Fasting is an ancient practice, observed for spiritual, cultural, health, and disciplinary significance 

There are several purposes and methods associated with fasting practices...

1. Overnight Fasting Fasting from dinner to breakfast for health benefits.

Overnight fast, typically 12 hours, unlocks health benefits like improved metabolism and cellular repair

2. Intermittent Fasting eating window of 8 hours

16-hour of fast benefits in Enhanced insulin sensitivity, fat burning, and cellular autophagy 

3. Warrior Diet 20-hour fast,  4-hour eating window

Improves mental clarity, self-discipline, and hormone regulation 

4. 24-hour fasting  Complete abstention from food for a day  duration (zero calorie)

Improves cardiovascular health, reduces inflammation, and enhances gut health.

Fasting can be adapted to suit individual preferences and capabilities.

It's essential to listen to your body, avoid feeling cranky or weak, and focus on a gradual and sustainable approach 

It teaches gratitude for the abundance of food we have and discipline in controlling our eating habits.

including- 1. Anti-Aging Effects 2. Controlled Blood Sugar Levels 3. Weight Management 4. Natural Growth Hormones