This new, affordable, easy and quick HPV test designed to diagnose the presence of HPV strains has the power to eliminate Cervical Cancer!
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Latest HPV Test to curb Cervical Cancer
Human Papillomavirus infection has been tagged as the leading cause for Cervical Cancer. In a recent development, there is an emergence of a novel HPV detection test that has proven to be much more affordable, feasible and rapid. Following this evolution in the medical sector, we can now hope to extirpate Cervical Cancer as more people undergo the test.
The invention of this new and pocket friendly HPV test has huge advantages in the health industry. Earlier, the test for detecting HPV was a lengthy, time-consuming procedure that would come with a very long bill. The extortionate cost of the test was a colossal impediment in the identification of the cancer leading to damaging ramifications.
Certain strains present in HPV are responsible for causing Cervical Cancer. These tests can recognize the presence of HPV in the swab and immediate treatment can be provided after that, leading to more recoveries than fatalities
What is HPV?
HPV is a group of more than 200 virus species which can be transmitted sexually and can cause myriad types of cancers including Cervical Cancer, Anal Cancer, Penile Cancer, Vaginal Cancer et al. Regular screening can prevent the spread of cancer by early detection and removal of cancer-causing cells before things exacerbate.
Image Source: UT Southwestern Medical Center
Gardasil 9, a vaccine for HPV is an effective way of safeguarding yourself from the detrimental strains of HPV. Studies show that 90% of the women, who have taken a shot of the vaccine, become immune to HPV.
Newer, Better, and Efficient Invention!
Replacing the older version of the test, this newly devised test is a step in the right direction. Already sample trials have been conducted in the USA and Mozambique. It has been found to be cheaper, quicker and more user-friendly.
Just a single visit by the patient is required to administer the test as well as get the reports since the procedure takes only 45 minutes, as confirmed in a report published in the journal called ‘Science Translational Medicine’ on Wednesday 21 June 2024. Moreover this test costs around $5 (INR 410) per test, a great deal cheaper than the existing test.Â
These added conveniences in the test will ensure a more comprehensive screening and more prevention stories, especially in countries with meagre infrastructure and facilities.
Image Source: Procare Hospital
Rebecca Richards-Kortum, a bioengineering professor at Rice University, who was also involved in the creation of the new test regrets that they ‘haven’t done a good job’ in spreading awareness of HPV vaccines and conducting screenings and that they trail in meeting the goal set by WHO which is having 90% of the girls vaccinated.
The affordability, swiftness and easy-to-use mechanism, that requires minimal laboratory training, of this test will eliminate the hindrances of the earlier test and lead to a reduction in the death toll.
Combating Cervical Cancer
Each year, more than 3, 50, 000 women succumb to Cervical Cancer and a study by WHO suggests 90% of them belong to under-developed, low-income countries.Â
The high prevention rate of Cervical Cancer can now be easily exploited by implementing these tests at a larger and more pervasive scope.
Image Source: Healthcare Radius
The HPV test follows a similar screening process used in COVID-19 evaluation. The swab from the vagina is collected, either by yourself or by the practitioner. Chemical Buffers extract DNA molecules from the sample and following heat-treatment, the specimen is observed in a lateral flow strip for strains of HPV.
Currently, the test can only determine the two most lethal HPV variants — HPV16 and HPV18 that cause 70% of all cervical cancer cases. Eventually, the research team plans to widen their reach and equip the test to recognize more deadly strains.
This test has enormous potential in wiping away the trace of Cervical Cancer at a global level.Â