A captivating storyline and endearing characters have captivated the attention of many new and eager Korean dramas, more commonly known as K -drama, fans of all ages in the Netflix original series “Business Proposal.” The series is set in South Korea and is produced by Netflix.
Based on the original webcomic “The Office Blind Date,” which was created by Haehwa and is available on Netflix, the series stars Ahn Hyo Seop, Kim Se Jeong, Kim Min Kyu, and Seol In Ah. The series is currently available on Netflix. Fans flocked to watch the 12-episode series, which premiered at the end of February and received overwhelmingly positive reviews.
They begged for more episodes to be released. The Kdrama has appeared on Netflix’s top 10 list of the most popular non-English television shows in the world for the third week in a row.
Data from streaming sites revealed that the series received a total of 32.5 million hours of views during the week of March 28 to April 3, and this was before the series’ conclusion was broadcast on television in the United States.
In light of the fact that it is only third in popularity behind the English television series Bridgerton, seasons 1 and 2, this is a significant accomplishment for a Korean drama.
In terms of the total number of hours it has been viewed, it ranks as the third most-watched television series of all time for the week in question. Both of the most recent shows, which aired on April 4 and 5, did absolutely nothing to increase the number of people who tuned in.
In recent years, Korean dramas have seen a resurgence in popularity among audiences. Following the successful and positive reception of the Squid Games, another Netflix original, the show has attracted a large number of worldwide admirers of all ages from all over the world, including people in the United States.
Korean dramas (K -dramas) have gained in popularity in recent years among Koreans. As a result, many over-the-top (OTT) platforms have begun to broadcast Korean movies and dramas in order to satisfy the demand of fans who want to see more of them.