“Emergency” due to Rising Rape Cases
The authorities of Pakistan’s Punjab province have decided to announce an “emergency” due to the rising rape cases of sexual abuse against women and children.
Punjab Home Minister spoke at a press meeting stating that the sudden rapid rising rape cases in all these cases were a serious issue to look after for society as well as the government officials.
He further added by stating that “there are nearly four to five rape cases that are being reported in Punjab daily due to which the government is taking into account special action to deal with sexual harassment, abuse, and coercion cases.
In dealing with this matter civil society, women’s rights organizations, the teachers, etc will be consulted as the minister said. He even urged the parents to teach their children about the importance of safety and that young adult without any supervision will not be left alone in their homes.
The minister further added that in several cases the accused are being arrested.
The anti-rape campaign has been launched by the government and also the students would be alerted about such harassment in schools. The government will also raise the number of DNA samples quickly.