On 14th June. The central government introduced a new scheme for recruitment into the Indian Armed Forces.” The Agnipath Scheme”.
The scheme Agnipath and the youth selected under this scheme would be known as “Agniveers” Agneepath permits Patriotic and Motivated Youth to encourage themselves in the Armed Forces for four years. Not Even a limited number of days Elapsed from the announcement, and the youth of India came down to the streets protesting against it. These protests are destructive and have caused An immense loss to the government property and private commodities as well. Hearing about violent protests one gets curious. “why is this scheme so drastic? What makes the youth blaze nations property? What subsists boiling their blood? Why are they furious about it? What are the pros and cons we expect? “
According to the Agnipath scheme, every year 46,000 soldiers would be recruited into the Indian Armed Forces. Candidates must be 17.5 years – 23 years of age. These cadets Getting enrolled on this scheme would be known as “AGNIVEERS “
· What does Agniveer stand for?
· Agni, the first word of Rigveda – the first wisdom to humanity, is a synonym for the Supreme Entity that purifies, illuminates and is the source of all energy. Veer is a synonym of brave.
· Agniveer is a collective movement of brave warriors dedicated to worship of this purifying Agni alone through thoughts, words and actions in self and society.
· Agniveer symbolizes the efforts of souls marching together towards the ultimate goal through destruction of ego and falsehood and focus only on right knowledge, right actions and right devotion.
· In other words, we stand for compassion, character, tolerance and rational humanism. We believe in One World, One Humanity, One Family.
The Agniveer services wouldn’t be for the high commissioned posts initially, the Agniveer would be recruited for non-commissioned beginner ranks such as “ Sepoy, Lance Naik, Naik “ The Agniveers in their first year would be provided with a salary of Rs.30,000/ monthly. Later, till the end of their 4th year of service it would raise upto 40,000k/ monthly. And then soldiers when they retire would be provided with a lump sum amount of Rs.11 lacks. Via the government scheme. “Seva Nidhi Scheme”
The 11 lacks provided via the government wouldn’t be additional money as a token of love from the government instead around 30 per cent of it would be considered from the Agniveer’s monthly salary which the Agniveer would use for themselves in finding another employment. HAHA SOUNDS FUN?
This precisely is the hugest drawback of this scheme. This recruitment of the Agniveers in the Agnipath would last only for 4 years. Later 4 years only 25% of them who get selected to have permanent bookings in the Indian Army. Good for them.
The rest rejected 75% of them would be provided with a certificate and a lump sum of around 11 lacks “To look for any other career/ employment without any college degree “. There’s no job security nor any sort of pension mentioned. This is the only and the thickest reason which bought the Indian youth on paths protecting against the Agnipath strategy.
“ When we think of a government job? What strikes our heads? – A permanent source of income, social security, job security along with a pension.” Especially, when it attains being in Army. It’s highly respectable employment. Army officers have the fortunate license for subsidised housing and food. The fact that Agnipath has no additional benefits, not even the basic ones.
Protesters say the government is unable to generate jobs. To win the 2024 polls. They’re coming up with temporary solutions. Temporary jobs benefitting Non.
The supporters put light on the duration of the scheme. These 4 years. They claim about how the government is providing a wonderful opportunity to serve the Country. With a good pay of Rs 30,000k per month. Excellent training facilities and great experiences.
“Will these experiences help them? Getting a job? Even if it’’s a technical job? Educational Job? Without any college degree? Without any experience? What’s the guarantee?”
Non-commissioned army soldiers when they retire, any clue where they end up? For their livelihood? What kind of jobs do they get? The fact that most army officers who retire ends up working as security guards at banks and government agencies.
Emotionally, speaking will they have the same commitment, pride, same zeal as a regular army officer? Why not? Cause they would be insecure about the short-term duration. Also about their family members if something happens will the government provide them aid? Being an army officer ain’t easy. Especially when you’re in the mountains, the Himalayas. Struggling to breathe but then you have the will the urge to breathe, and zeal to live and fight.
In America there’s a similar scheme followed by the U.S government for the Army. Currently in the USA. About 11% of homeless people are veterans. The major reason for the army veterans being homeless is the faulty pension system of the USA. The government of the USA. Is not supportive of the veterans who have suffered wars. And suffer poorness. Despite the honesty and integrity for their country.
Lower Age Profile: this is said to be added to maintain an age balance in the military. An average soldier in the army is around 32 yrs of age. With this scheme now the army would only have young soldiers. However, there’s also a disadvantage according to the retired army officers, to be an experienced army officer it takes around 7-8 years of training and ground practice. Would Be that possible in 4 years? resulting in less experienced soldiers?
LESS PENSION LOAD: The current defence budget today is at Rs.5.25 trillion. Of which only Rs. 1.2 trillion is spent on pensions and salaries. Around 55% of the defence budget goes for salaries and pensions. If we cut that extra money? We could use the same cash on Agniveer’s. And it would save around Rs.115 million which would be later used for upgrading and modernising of the defence weapons.
. Countering this point people ask,” if your only aim is to save. Money, why aren’t the pensions of politicians the MPs, and MLAs being cut? Why are they being provided with a lifelong pension also if they only attained one term? Politicians should Be Agniveer too. Ask them to leave without any pension. And start looking for a new workplace, new career “
Many experts have argued, over this scheme. The youngsters will get into the military for 4 yrs it may happen after 4 yrs that they are unemployed. And they start mistreating society directly or indirectly. Intentionally or unintentionally. These young soldiers may start contributing to crimes. They may even evolve into mercenaries.” mercenaries are those soldiers who fight in other countries for money and livelihood “ Many Syrian soldiers work as mercenaries in countries such as Russia, Ukraine and Libya.
However, there’s no evidence that how many would evolve into criminals after being Ex-Agniveer. There is no conclusive evidence respecting this. Several countries like Israel have started implementing short-term activities for the military. Did they become mercenaries? No, they didn’t. But for a poor country like India and Syria, there’s a positive change as we see less possibility to get a job. Yet we have no trustworthy evidence to get it proved.
As you read, Every criticism has a solid counterargument which makes this argument very blurred about the facts of schemes would be effective or not? One more thing, more to be mentioned is how much you hate this scheme, and how much you protest against it. VIOLENCE IS NOT THE ANSWER, ANY SORT OF VIOLENCE IS NOT ACCEPTED.
In Bihar, at least 12 trains have been torched. More than 200 trains are being cancelled. Stations are being looted. There’s an immense fear. Homes of many BJP leaders have been put to fire. People who are destroying public property, setting buses, and trains on the blaze? Must this behaviour be accepted? Are these destructions owned by literate civilians? Debatable.
If you aimed to serve the nation by joining the army. Violence is not acceptable, is this your definition of serving the Republic?
Aaliya Ali 22nd June 2022.