What exactly is true beauty? Many people think that having fair skin makes you beautiful. Is this, however, the correct course of action? No. The term “beautiful” does not refer to someone with fair skin. Only a pure heart and superior thinking would qualify you as ‘beautiful’.
If you want to look for something, look for a beautiful heart rather than a beautiful face. Because beautiful people are not necessarily good, good people are always attractive. “Beauty is not in the face; beauty is in a light in the heart,” as the saying goes.
A beautiful mind is more important than beautiful/fair skin. Physical beauty fades away with time, but inner beauty always remains.
Difference between looking and being beautiful
There is a significant difference between looking beautiful and feeling. Physical beauty is fleeting, but a beautiful and pure mind and heart are eternal. Our social behavior, our acts of kindness, compassion and gracefulness, all reveal our inner beauty.
Physical beauty fades over time, but inner beauty always remains constant. People will remember you not for your fair complexion, but for your lovely heart.
Thinking of people
The complexion is a natural process. People spend a lot of money on fairness creams, face whitening products, and costly therapies. This way of thinking needs to. This way of thinking frequently undermines the confidence of people with dark complexions.
They frequently face racial discrimination in a variety of settings. Even the most beautiful, fair and flawless person is viewed as ugly once his or her bitterness in nature is revealed. we must recognize that a person’s complexion should not be used to judge them.
Beauty does not imply good looks. Rather than the color of one’s skin, the social, economic, political and humanistic factors define a person.
It is, ironically, in stark contrast to people in Western countries who are naturally very fair and intentionally sun themselves to get a tanned complexion. In the west country, there is a demand for dark appearance.
Some quotes express the importance of a beautiful mind than the body-
“A beautiful face will age and a perfect body will change, but a beautiful soul will always be a beautiful soul.”
“Exterior beauty without the depth of a kind soul is merely decoration.”
“No beauty shines brighter than that of a good heart.”
“Beauty is not having the fairest skin or prettiest face; it is about having a beautiful heart.”
So, instead of focusing on a fair complexion, one should consider inner beauty, which provides us with perceptual experience, pleasure, and satisfaction, inspiring us to do good deeds and actions. A beautiful mind will always lead you in the right direction.
A lovely soul and mind will help us in achieve long-term happiness and peace. True progress will be made when we abandon the notion that skin color determines beauty. Inner beauty, inner peace, and inner satisfaction should be prioritized.