From menarche, when periods start around adolescence, until menopause, the length of your menstruation varies, according to Dr. Pratima Thamke, a consultant obstetrician and gynecologist at Motherhood Hospital in Kharghar.
Depending on the flow of their period and other underlying disorders, women may experience varying symptoms during their usual menstruation, which can last anywhere from 21 to 35 days. Anushka, a qualified holistic nutritionist, commented on Instagram that it is important to realize that “your menstruation is much more than bleeding and bleeding-free days.” She continued, saying that significant mood swings each month can also be brought on by a “synchronous play of hormones.” Therefore, it can be very helpful to comprehend your menstrual cycle and how it impacts the body.
Your menstrual cycle is much more than just days with and without bleeding. Every month, the synchronised action of our hormones sends us on an emotional roller coaster. It sure would be good if we were aware of our cycles and took care of our bodies. This manual aims to make it easier for you to comprehend your menstruation. This data is based on a 28-day cycle, however individual women may experience different things. Utilize a tracking system to comprehend your cycle, she advised in the caption of an Instagram photo.

Her post is a thorough illustration that illustrates the menstrual cycle’s four phases, which are menstrual, follicular, ovulatory, and luteal.
Day 1–7 of the menstrual cycle
On the very first day of your period, this cycle starts. The period is referred to as the inner winter. Oestrogen and progesterone levels fall, which might result in extreme fatigue. You would like to relax and sleep more when you’re feeling low on energy. A great time to assess, plan, and revise your objectives.
Day 8–13 of the follicular phase.
As soon as the menstrual cycle is through, this cycle begins. The season is referred to as the inner spring. Just before ovulation, oestrogen begins to surge, but progesterone levels are still low. It’s the ideal time to begin something new because you have greater energy and mental capacity. One becomes more insulin sensitive and their metabolism slows.
Day 14–21 of the ovulatory phase
The uterus and fallopian tubes receive an egg that the body has released. It is referred to as the internal summer. To encourage the release of an egg, luteinizing hormone (LH) and oestrogen both reach their highest levels. Right before you ovulate, your fertility peaks. This is the apex of the sex urge. You feel attractive and confident, and your overall energy and enthusiasm are high.
Day 22–28 of the Luteal phase
This stage starts following ovulation. It’s a decline from within. In order to prepare the uterus for receiving a fertilised embryo, progesterone rises. Oestrogen and progesterone levels fall and the womb lining sheds when you are not pregnant, which results in your period. You might notice that your energy is waning as your progesterone levels rise. You can experience mood fluctuations, anxiety, impatience, and comfort food cravings.
According to Dr. Pratima Thamke, consultant obstetrician and gynaecologist, Motherhood Hospital, Kharghar, the length of your menstrual cycle varies from menarche, when periods start during adolescence, to menopause, when they stop permanently. She added that keeping track of your menstrual cycle has several advantages.
For instance, you will be able to understand and treat the cyclical symptoms if you are aware of their underlying causes. You might have a variety of sexual encounters, feel bloated, have migraines, break out in acne, have digestive problems, etc. depending on what part of your cycle you are in. In fact, many women have reported that their menstrual cycle has an affect on their mental health as well, according to Dr. Thamke, who spoke to indianexpress.
How to calculate your menstruation cycle?
Beginning on the first day of your period and continuing up until the day before your next period begins, you can calculate your menstrual cycle.
If your period, for instance, started on January 1 and ended on January 5, you would start tracking your menstrual cycle on January 1 and continue doing so until the beginning of your next period. The normal length of a menstrual cycle is 30 days, therefore if your period starts on January 31 and your last period was on January 1, according to Dr. Thamke.
Pre-period spotting, however, does not signify the beginning of your period, therefore it is important to remember this. Your period officially begins when you begin bleeding frequently, according to Dr. Thamke.