Diabetes, a health condition endured by millions of people around the world, can be controlled to a great extent by adopting a healthy diet of apple in your daily lifestyle.
Diabetes can be of two types: Type-1 and Type-2. The former is an autoimmune condition, while the latter develops as we age. The major reason is that the insulin present in our body remains unresponsive, which eventually leads to high sugar levels.
It is very crucial to keep your blood sugar levels in check. If not, it will definitely cause irreversible damage to the organs.
Consulting a doctor and taking the proper medications as prescribed by them will help to control the blood sugar levels. Other than medications, consuming certain foods will also help in the long run.
Nutritionists recommend including foods that are rich in vitamin C, antioxidants, proteins, and fibre in our daily diet. Type-2 diabetes, in particular, affects not just the body but also the comprehensive quality of life.
Often times, many people assume that type-2 diabetes is genetically inherited and that the younger generation inherits it from the older as they pass it down from one person to another. This belief is completely wrong as no genetic component is found in type 2 diabetics.
Instead of prescribing medications, a doctor should first test the patient to determine why they are unable to control their blood sugar levels. A good patient is one who puts their health as their first priority. Spending some quality time with their family is also important.
Reports from the World Health Organization (WHO) state that more than 420 million people suffer from diabetes all over the world, with the numbers rising steadily.
People with diabetes are also diagnosed with acute digestive problems. If one remains naïve, the quality of life will be affected, along with other health problems as side effects. Both diabetes and digestion are related to each other.
Apple: The Fruit of Miracles
Eating a huge amount of carbs results in an increase in blood sugar levels, while including fibre in your diet decreases them. Of the many varieties of fiber present in the world, only the soluble type is actually effective.
Anjali Mukerjee says, “We eat too much, we eat a lot of carbs, and we have a higher glycemic load. We are eating all the time, and we are eating carbohydrates all the time.
She further adds that even if we are eating whole grains, we are still eating too many carbs. Diet, to a large extent, plays a very important role in controlling diabetes. Disregarding any sort of eating and drinking can cause serious problems.
All doctors and experts advise patients to consume more fruits and vegetables in their diets. Along with medication, a balanced diet as well as regular exercise should be followed through to maintain blood sugar levels.
An apple is truly a miracle fruit in which innumerable health benefits are found. They are rich in vitamin C, fibre, and antioxidants. Apart from these, apples also contain a low number of calories, making them even better.
Because of the presence of carbs and fiber, people are a bit wary about eating the fruit. While this information is partially true, as carbs can affect blood sugar levels, along with sugar, people usually ignore the fibre present in them, which is very beneficial for health.
Hence, apples are definitely in the category of sweet fruits; hence, patients should think twice before eating them. According to scientists, even though the fruit is sweet, it contains fructose, which when consumed does not have any side effects on blood sugar levels.
They also consist of quercetin and phlorizin, which reduce the risk of getting diabetes in the future.