Shinzo Abe was shot twice by a gun from behind as he was speaking at a political rally. The attack was done when Abe was giving a speech and with tight security. Footage broadcasted by the NHK shows that the former assassination of JAPAN’s Prime Minister was standing on the stage when a man came close to him with a bag, pulled something out and started firing.
Abe, 67, suffered two neck injuries from the bullets. The bullets ruptured an artery, he bled to death. Abe was taken to the Nara Medical University for treatment where he closed his eyes.
Local Media Identified the shooter in their reports as 41-year-old “yamagami tetsuya” , who appeared to be emotionless when the investigators were holding him . Several Media Outlets also described him as a Former member of the Maritime Self Defense Force which is the country’s navy .
Further investigation by the Police brought up that the shooter used a handmade gun to do such a crime. As Reported by the Police Officers on the scene of the crime was “ That the Gun derived from the suspect was handmade in appearance and it can be a 3D printed gun also, but our analysis is still going .”
Assassination of JAPAN’s GUN LAWS IN JAPAN
The incident did shock the whole world as Japan is a Country ith strict gun laws. Japan has one of the most toughest gun laws. Under the 1958 gun laws of japan, the possession of firearms and swords are prohibited in the country without several documentation.
Handguns are also banned in Japan . To get a gun licence in Japan you have to go through a series of test and a lot of police checks to have a gun .It is the first time since 1930s that a Japanese prime minister has been assassinated. Japan as the lowest per capita level of gun ownership in the group of wealthy nations. Japan as the lowest gun death rate , at 0.03 per 100000 people .
It was also said that all the weapons seized included both a 5 and 9-barreled shotgun which was said to be electrically fired. No as such details are given out by the police whether the shotgun was 3D printed or not but as it was said that the gun was handmade with two metal barrels and a wooden base , which was all wrapped up in duct tape.
As stated by “jenzen jones” , arms and ammunition specialist told the Daily beast that after an observation he was able to come to the fact that the weapon was electrically fired. The electrical wire is passing through each of the end caps that one can see in the viral images, which indicates that it is electrically fired. He also stated that it is a small-bore weapon which means it can be a shotgun.
It is still not known that if the gun was 3d printed or not but it doesn’t mean that there haven’t been any incidents with 3d Printed Guns.