Author: Ahana Banerjee

Lalu Prashad Yadav’s health has improved from his daughter

On Friday, Lalu Prashad Yadav was admitted to the hospital, and daughter Misa Bharti shared a picture by saying his health is improving. He was admitted on Wednesday. Lalu Prashad Yadav was admitted to AIIMS hospital, Delhi on Wednesday. His elder daughter Misa Bharti and the mp of Rajya Sabha on Friday morning shared his picture on social media, i.e., Twitter, and his health is improving. Lalu Prasad Yadav went to Delhi AIIMS in an ambulance and the doctors of Patna suggested sending him to Delhi AIIMS after looking at his health condition. It was a situation of major concern.…

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Halal Meat: A new controversy?

According to the Times of India, Muslim vendors and businesses met with Rinchen Lhamo, a member of the National Commission for Minorities, on Friday, April 8, are to file a complaint against the Muslim community allegedly claiming to being targeted in Karnataka. The meeting took place in the midst of a social media campaign warning a Hindu ice-cream shop owner in Mangalore to remove the Halal certification from their products within a month or face a boycott. Muslim businessmen felt threatened and targeted as the message began to circulate on social media sites. They sought assistance from the National Commission…

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Bridge heist: 60 foot bridge disappears under broad daylight

It is not a miracle to find parts of bridges being stolen and it isn’t the first time a bridge has disappeared. In the Czech Republic, intrepid thieves stole a bridge in broad daylight in 2012, claiming they had been hired to dismantle it. Thieves had stolen $100,000 worth of steel from a bridge in Pennsylvania, US, the year before. A 36-foot steel bridge was taken for scrap metal in Ukraine in 2004. A gang of thieves in Rohtas district of Bihar, have pulled off an extraordinary heist by stealing a 60-foot bridge in broad daylight. The robbers, posing as…

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Booster shots: Lowering guards?

The World Health Organization has announced that a new coronavirus booster dose may be recommended for 2022 if the data collected from other countries looks promising. This is said to be in response to the recent health scare of a young girl who contracted the coronavirus from her mother.Scientists are currently analyzing the data from this incident, and if it warrants, it’ll be recommended that children under 12 years old receive a booster vaccine in 2022. The WHO states that most countries recommended the same vaccine for children between 12-59 months old. It was unclear when vaccines for adults over…

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Petrol and diesel prices continue to rise;eighth hike in nine days.

According to PTI, since the gasoline price review began on March 22, petrol and diesel rates have climbed by Rs 5.60 per litre. Due to differences in value added tax and freight charges, fuel prices vary by state. While oil marketing corporations in India manage fuel prices, it has been noted that rates remain stable before elections and then rise when the results are announced. Finance minister Nirmala Sitharaman had on Tuesday defended the 137-day hiatus in fuel price revision, saying the disruption in supply chains and therefore the resultant increase in global oil prices thanks to the war in…

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Beamer for Imran Khan?

The first event of Pakistan’s new era began with a speech by cricketer-turned-politician Imran Khan. Although US President Donald Trump has expressed his support for the Pakistani cricket legend, few people know much about the man who could soon take over from Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif.  Khan came to power in 2018 and promised a naya pakistan, but rise of prices of basic commodities  posed a big problem as he failed to address the basic problem of keeping prices in control.This gave way for the opposition party to claim him as ‘inefficient’. The Prime Minister of Pakistan, Imran Khan addressed…

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Russia Ukraine conflict disrupts tech industry

The Russian intrusion of Ukraine affects the energy and items markets. Also, there’s another significant industry that will endure a shot: tech. Up to this point, a large portion of the attention has been on digital protection and semiconductor chips. Russia is a world forerunner in digital fighting, planting deception and weaponizing computerized stages. What’s more, semiconductor bottlenecks could deteriorate as the Ukraine emergency develops, with 90% of U.S. semiconductor-grade neon supplies coming from Ukraine, and 45% of the world’s palladium coming from Russia, while the Biden organization undermines a chip barricade of Russia – and adding to the vulnerabilities…

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In the recent developments concerning the Russia-Ukraine War, the Russian Media has now cited that Ukraine is developing a plutonium-based nuclear weapon. However, the source that the media had cited remains unnamed and there is no proper evidence for the claim. The reports that the nuclear weapon, titled as “dirty bomb” is under development at the destroyed Chornobyl nuclear power plant that was shut down in 2000.  However, Ukraine has said that it has no plans of rejoining the nuclear club, as it had given up its nuclear arms in 1994, post the break-down of the Soviet Union.   This comes…

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North Korea's Satellite Tests

North Korea has conducted a second “important scientific satellite” test over the Pacific Ocean, North Korean news agency KCNA said Monday, which would indicate progress in the country’s missile and nuclear weapons programs.  North Korea’s state television broadcaste  North Korea’s state television broadcaster announced the successful launch of its second spy satellite on 17 January, saying that the “important” launch was aimed at finding “peace and tranquillity”. The broadcast showed pictures of leader Kim Jong Un with senior military officials and generals giving him an ovation as he presides over a representation of a missile in what it described as…

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Ukarine Russia War

Ukraine’s representative in talks with Russia on the ongoing conflict in the east of Ukraine, Vladislav Surkov, was killed yesterday when his car exploded near a daycare center. Authorities are investigating his death as “an assassination”. Mr. Surkov was one of the main figureheads for President Vladimir Putin’s government and had been tasked with overseeing negotiations between Ukraine and Russia, both of which have military operations ongoing in eastern Ukraine. As such he was an integral part of bringing peace to the region. In fact, according to Reuters, Moscow believes Mr. Surkov could be an obstacle to any political settlement…

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