Author: Nisha Kumari

Sexually transmitted diseases (STDs), or sexually transmitted infections (STIs), are infections that are passed from one person to another through sexual contact. The contact is usually vaginal, oral, or anal sex.

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A new connection found between gut and stroke-induced cognitive impairment

Stroke, also known as “Cerebrovascular accident” (CVA), is a disease of the blood vessels. When a part of the brain stops getting blood, it leads to the death of the blood cells or rupture of the cells causing stroke. Dementia on the other hand, is a term used for a group of symptoms that interferes day to day functioning of life affecting an individual’s memory, thinking and social abilities. Can the transplantation of intestinal epithelial stem cells (IESC’s) from a healthy donor improve CVA outcomes, and the intestinal barrier after stroke was investigated by the Texas A&M team. It was…

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Mars was once covered with water, a new study at University of Copenhagen

Mars, often referred to as “the red planet”, is a terrestrial planet with a thin atmosphere, and has a crust with similar composition as that of Earth’s, as well as a core which is composed of iron and nickel. There has been evidence of the presence of water on Mars but how much is still debatable. From the Centre for Star and Planet Formation, Professor Martin Bizzaro said that during that time the planet was covered with asteroids filled with ice which occurred during the first 100 million years of the planet’s evolution. Asteroids also carried organic molecules that were…

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