Author: Saqib Malik
Content Writer / Content Creator and an Author. I am Wordsmith, Philomath, Diligent, Taskmaster and Eloquent. I love to pen down my creations and imaginations and use ink as blood to write down the histories. My idiosyncrasy always allows me to explore, learn, unlearn and relearn up to the minute things and unfold the new mysteries of this alluring world. More than being literate, we need to be educated and be the candle to eliminate the darkness of the world and spread love, happiness, and peace.
The Hon’ble Prime Minister of India, Shri Narendra Modi, unveiled Mission LiFE at the 2021 UN Climate Change Conference (UNFCCC COP26) to put people’s actions at the centre of the global climate action narrative.
The government wants all smartphones to have NavIC, which is more accurate than GPS.The beginning of NavIC’s operation was in 2018. (7year Deferment from target date). But the reason it is in the news right now is that the Indian government wants all smartphones sold there to have the NavIC app (like Google Maps). The hardware of some phones may need to be slightly modified as a result, particularly the chipsets, which will increase the price of the phones.
Quantum technologies are among the most intriguing and quickly evolving emerging technologies of the twenty-first century. It is envisaged that several commercial applications will arise from the theoretical constructs that are being developed globally in this sector. Thus, Countries that get an advantage in this field may have a bigger advantage in achieving multi-fold economic growth and a strong leadership role around the world.This was one of the reasons why The Indian government named quantum technology a “mission of national importance.” in 2019, which resulted in significant public and private investment in relevant core and applied research.
The Next-Gen Launch Vehicle (NGLV) is being created by the Indian Space Research Organization (ISRO) to replace current systems like the Polar Satellite Launch Vehicle (PSLV).The ISRO chairman recently announced the launch of Next-Gen Launch Vehicle (NGLV), which will replace operational systems like the Polar Satellite Launch Vehicle. He made the announcement during a three-day Engineers Conclave 2022.
The Union Cabinet has adopted a change to the cooperative societies law that will make multi-State cooperative society governance more democratic, transparent, and accountable. The Multi-State Cooperative Societies (Amendment) Bill, 2022, integrates the provisions of the 97th Constitution Amendment, which granted cooperative societies constitutional status and protection, as well as making the freedom to form cooperative societies a basic right (Article 19).
Technological Optimism to Combat Climate Change
Malnutrition is a condition that can result from insufficient, excessive, or otherwise unbalanced calorie and/or nutritional intake. There are three main categories of illnesses that fall under the umbrella term “malnutrition:”
“”In a fragmenting world, we need to establish systems of discourse to mend the fractures that have emerged,” and “only by acting as one can we nurture fragile shoots of hope for a coalition of the globe,” respectively. respectively. We need new ideas right now. At a time when major countries aren’t talking to each other, India’s Presidency of the Group of 20, the UN Security Council (UNSC) in 2022, and the Shanghai Cooperation Organization (SCO) in 2024 provides a once-in-a-lifetime chance.
U.S. officials have applied the Foreign Direct Product Rule to China’s sophisticated computing and supercomputer industries in an effort to prevent the country from importing cutting-edge computer processors.
The Union government has appointed Justice K.G. Balakrishnan, the former Chief Justice of India, headed a three-person Commission of Inquiry to determine whether Dalits who have converted to religions other than Sikhism and Buddhism should be granted SC status. Two years have been set as the deadline for the Commission’s report. Let’s trace the history of how Scheduled Caste eventually came to include Dalit Muslims and Christians.
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