Author: Shazia Masood

The author has bachelor's degree in Journalism and Mass Communication. She has co-authored two books and is currently a reporter.

Fishing net never stop fishing at Ocean

According to a new survey, the lost fishing gear traps marine organisms for years as it keeps floating in oceans. To estimate the global fishing gear loss rates and the amount of gear lost every year, research was conducted on 451 fishers from seven countries including Peru, Indonesia and the United States. The fishers were interviewed about the annual fishing gear usage and their losses. It was found that in 65 years there would be enough fishing nets in oceans which can cover the whole planet. The fishing gear loss in the seas, also termed as ghost gear can cause…

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According to ekincare only 46 per cent of employees know about the existing mental health resources in workplaces. However, this percentage escalates to 66 per cent when employees get diagnosed with mental health disorders.

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