Author: Tiasha Debnath.


Tiasha believes in writing about what is important rather than what is popular. She also believes that people can formulate social narratives if they want and that they should use their individual platform to be the reason for a change for the good.

Svante Paabo wins Nobel prize for medicine 40 years after his father won the prize  - Asiana Times

Svante Paabo was born on 20th April 1955 in Stockholm, Sweden. He was born to mother Karin Paabo and father Sune Bergstrom. He took his mother’s surname as he was born as a result of his father, Swedish biochemist, Svante Paabo’s extramarital affair with his mother.  Svante Paabo is a Swedish genecist specializing in the field of evolutionary genetics. He also co-founded the stream of Genetics called Paleogenetics.  Paleogenetics is the study of the past through the examination of preserved genetic material from the remains of ancient organisms.  Svante Paabo received the Noble Prize for medicine 2022 for his remarkable work in human evolution. …

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The Suzlon Energy Crisis after CEO’s Untimely Death  - Asiana Times

In 1995, an owner of a small textile company realized that most of his company’s expenses are occupied by electricity bills after raw materials and that is how world’s 5th largest wind turbine supplier was born.  Suzlon Energy Limited is a multinational wind turbine manufacturer based in Pune, India. It is the largest of its kind in India and fifth largest in the world ranked by MAKE. It doesn’t only have its presence in India but also in 17 countries across Asia, Australia, Europe, America and Africa. It is supplier of wind turbines to clients from all over the globe. …

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Remembering Sacheen Littlefeather’s contribution to the society on the occasion of her death - Asiana Times

This dates back to the infamous Oscars 1973.  Marlon Brando, the veteran American actor, had made his comeback with the movie, ‘The Godfather’ after giving several flops back-to-back for which he won the 40th  Academy Awards. He was nominated for the category of Best Actor for the Oscars 1973. Read more about Superstar Marlon Brando:  As his name was announced for winning the nominations under the best actor category, it appeared that he had not shown up for the event. Rather he had sent someone else on his behalf but not with the purpose of receiving the award.  It…

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Overall Understanding of the current geopolitical situation and its effects on geoeconomics:

The clear start to the global geopolitical unrest was with the military campaign implemented in Ukraine by Russia. Lately, the World has been constantly witnessing vigorous unrest. A few of the most widely covered events that roughly mark the initiation of worldly alliances and oppressions were the Syrian civil war, the Israel-Palestine War in the Gaza strip and the removal of US military troops from Afghanistan following the territorial regain by the  Taliban. But none of these events really affected the global market dramatically. All of this dates back to 2013 when the former Ukrainian President Victor Yanukovych all of…

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hijab row

The sad reality surrounding women in the 21st century The modern-day depiction of the ‘hijab’ is a headscarf worn particularly by women following Islam. This very literal social understanding of the hijab takes a lot away from its true meaning in my opinion. Hijab is a word taken from the Arabic script which means ‘Parda’ or ‘curtain’. While we are very used to having an understanding of anything from its theoretical stance, what we don’t realize is hijab has all its existence in society because it is mentioned in Quran, the Islamic…

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How the World responds to the annexation of 4 new regions of Ukraine by Russia? - Asiana Times

On Friday, the Russian President Vladimir Putin announced the annexation of four new partially occupied regions of Ukraine by signing a treaty in a ceremony in the St. George Hall of Kremlin.  This came after a Russian missile struck a car convoy full of Ukrainian civilians in a car market in the Southeastern city of Zaporizhia in Ukraine reportedly killing 25 civilians and wounding many.  In a declaration speech, he let the world know that Russia was about to annex the territories of Donetsk, Luhansk, Kherson and Zaporizhia. These regions where partially held by Moscow.  Earlier, these four regions were…

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The adjudication of the Supreme Court of Indian over the Abortion Law is neoterically progressive and libertarian  - Asiana Times

Yet another law on a women’s rights but this time for the good?  I think Indians should be relieved to have resided in India rather than any other country in the world now for the most obvious reasons.  Seems like all the ‘developed’ countries have never really developed cerebrally and socially. But India clearly understood the assignment as they say!  This is a slap on the face of misogyny and India is winning even though the fight for equality still has to go a long way within the sub-continent.  Abortion was illegal in India until 1960s with the government criminalizing…

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Why is Italy’s New Prime Minister, Giorgia Meloni questionable? - Asiana Times

                  Possibility of newly found fascism in Italy Italy managed to attract worldwide attention, post its General Elections 2022 Results. It was a gigantic win for Giorgia Meloni of the Fratelli d’Italia party also known as the Brothers of Italy. Giorgia won with a majority vote against opponent Enrico Letta, a candidate representing Italy’s center-left Partito Democratico or Democratic Party for the general elections.  What caught instant attention is Italy’s controversial selection of an extreme right-wing party at the Centre. The Fratelli d’italia or Brothers of Italy is known to have notorious roots, Giorgia…

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What is NASA’s new Dart Mission? - Asiana Times

All about the Double Asteroid Redirection Test (DART) What is DART? DART is the first-ever mission dedicated to investigating and demonstrating one method of asteroid deflection by changing an asteroid’s motion in space through kinetic impact. The DART spacecraft was launched on 23rd November 2021 aboard a SpaceX Falcon 9 Rocket from Vanderberg Space Force Base in California. It took 10 months to reach its target. All of this might seem very overwhelming. So let us first understand what caused a dent in the straight course of life to come up with something like DART. The NASA Team were compelled…

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Indian-origin UK minister, Suella Braverman wins the first ever Queen Elizabeth ll Award  - Asiana Times

Suella Braverman wins the ‘Woman of the Year’ Award  The official ceremony of the 20th Asian Achievers Award (AAA) was held on 23rd of September 2022 in Central London.   The Asian Achievers Award is one of the most prestigious Asian awards in the United Kingdom. The purpose of this award is to address and acknowledge the achievements of the South Asian community of the UK.  South Asians in the UK today occupy leadership positions across a range of fields, including politics, business and civil society. The Asian Achievers Awards recognize the outstanding work of such individuals within the South Asian community.   Even though the awards ceremony is held annually every year since 2000,…

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