To your surprise, what you are going to look through now, prevails in the same world. What do you think of magical power? If you get a chance to select a superpower, what would you choose?
We all are humans with just regular life, but do you believe in human who possess supernatural power?
They are either randomly born with the power or with their capacity to be so. They can come across as enhanced senses, mystical martial arts or psychic ability.
Let’s meet some of these human wonders of the world:
1. Mr Who Ate Everything
A French origin man Michel Lotito, all around known as “Monsieur Mangetout”.
He had an extraordinary and unique ability: he could eat everything, literally all kinds of objects. As a result, he earned his name ‘the lord who eats everything’.
His name enfolds enthralling stories and The Guinness Book of Records.
According to the Guinness Book of Records: he ate 18 bicycles, 15 supermarket carts, seven televisions, six chandeliers, two beds, one pair of skis, 1 Cessna 150 aircraft and one computer.
How unconvincing this list may sound, but there is documentation that proves Mr Lolito managed to ingest all of this without becoming ill.
Some of his memorable feats include eating a whole coffin, and his favourite meal was screws, bolts and glass. Mr Lolito consumed approximately nine tons of metal.
Moreover, he ingested a multitude of materials considered toxic without causing him any health problems.
Thunderbolt came when he died of a natural cause at the age of 57 in 2007.
He wasn’t born with this ability. Instead, he suffered from an eating disorder, ‘PICA- Strange manias’ leading them to ingest inedible substances.
Mr Lolito, as we see, decided to turn his ailment into his strong point.

2. The Torture Human- Zamora
Tim Cridland is worldwide known as the Torture King: his superpower relates to controlling pain.
His acts include pushing large skewers through his body to the deep muscles with no pain, and you see no blood with extremely rapid healing. He was born unable to feel pain, unknown of the reasons.
Tim’s act is eccentric as it incorporates not only standard play piercing and sword swallowing but deep piercings through the body of his arms and the flesh inside his jaw (like a Sprung piercing).
Over and above that, he cuts into his torso, appearing to remove swallowed objects directly from his stomach. The secret mantra to his superpower is that disbelief is as strong as the power of belief.
He has been featured on many TV shows: Tim Cridland lives and performs in Las Vegas and has been a regular attraction at Knott’s Berry Farm’s Halloween Haunt at Buena Park, CA.

3. Lady with X-Ray Eyes
This woman holds to possess a particular vision that enables her to look inside the human body and make out organs and tissues, leading to determining medical diagnoses.
She is Natasha Demkina, a Russian woman. She cultivated this strange superhuman capability at the age of 10.
In an interview, she recalls when she was at her home with her mother and suddenly had this vision she could see inside her mother’s body.
For micro-seconds, she could see colourful pictures inside the person. Her stories stretched out throughout the world, reaching the UK, where Natasha could pin down the injuries of a person who had a car accident a year before.
Later on, Demenkina was tested by Professor Yoshio Machi, who studies claims of unusual human abilities.

4. Goggle Man
Imagine if you could memorize things at an extraordinary pace from a very young age.
Suppose you could learn the entire book in an hour or read two pages simultaneously with the left eye looking at the left page and the right eye looking at the right page. Sounds fascinating right?
Kim Peeks was the man who could do all of the things mentioned earlier. He was the inspiration behind the Oscar-winning film “Rain Man.”
Peek was born in Salt Lake City in 1951 with an enormous head and showed developmental difficulties very early.
He couldn’t walk until the age of four, and he couldn’t button his shirts and had lots of problems with motor skills. When he signed up in school, he was expelled for creating a mess in the class after one day.
But Peek also showed flashes of unusual abilities even at that early age: memorizing things with perfect recall before he was two and reciting books. He read line for line with ideal memory. He absorbed maps, atlases, and travel guides.
Using a combination of his near-perfect recall and his prodigious mathematical calculating abilities, Kim could totalize the best routes in his head in an instant.
He was fond of going to Shakespeare’s plays, but there was a complication not all of the actors could remember their lines as perfectly as Kim did.
When a performer deviated, even slightly, from the original work, Kim would stand up mid-performance to correct them.
Kim Peek was demised in 2009 of a heart attack, but his feats will not be forgotten.

5. Rubber Human
Daniel Browning Smith, who earned Guinness World Records as the Most Flexible Man, is a classically trained contortionist who has handed down his superhuman flexibility to attract the magnetic appeal of contortion to great heights.
Daniel would jump off the bed and land in a straddle split when he was very young, much to the amazement of his family, thus jumpstarting his adventures as a contortionist.
He was trained under Master Lu Yi at the San Francisco School of Circus Arts, where his unique, in-your-face style of body bending shocked and amazed even his teacher, who had never seen a contortionist perform as Daniel does.
Daniel has used his skills as a contortionist turn out to be a much talked about stunt performer and actor, appearing in numerous films and commercials squeezed into a tiny box or contorting his body into shapes most people cringe even to think.
His superhuman flexibility means that Daniel can create grotesque and deathly scenes for scary movies like Paranormal Activity 3.
He doubles the leading actor in the film’s final stages as his back is broken in half.