This constitution is the first since 1980 that was drafted under military leader Augusto Pinochet.
A new constitution was drafted earlier this month, this is a historical and commendable moment for the 19 million people. These millions of Chileans are voting in a referendum to approve or reject this constitution.
This new constitution comes with a power pack that incorporates more rights for women, working-class citizens, and indigenous people not only but, guarantees LGBTQ+ inclusion in political spaces.
Chile received its first draft of the constitution after the assembly handed over the final draft to president Gabriel boric before making it available to the public.
The clamour for the new constitution did not come without much ease. Chilean spring in 2019 witnessed millions of people filling the street demanding social reforms while being repressed by the state.
In October 2020, over 79 per cent of Chileans voted to draft a new charter. As a result, a new constitution is being voted upon, deemed as progressive and inclusive as the voters demanded it to be.
This moment is also being seen as make or break moment for Chile’s recently elected left-wing president Gabriel boric, as his popularity plunged since he assumed office in march.
Results will be out within a few hours after the voting process is complete. Voting began at 8 am local time and ends at 6 pm.
Why did the demand arise in Chile?

- October 2019 marked the beginning of student-led protests in response to hikes in transportation fares, they demanded to include more excellent social protection and equality in the south American nation. In these protests, thousands were injured and dozens were killed.
- The present constitution of Chile was passed under the military dictatorship of Augusto Pinochet, deemed illegal and outdated.
- Aftereffect of these protests, 154 people of an elected began drafting the new charter that was then sent for approval to president boric in July, which also gave two months time to Chileans to debate the proposal before voting day on Sunday.
Motive for voting
- Under the proposed draft, the president can be elected only once, while a leader can be elected consecutively once.
- A change has been made in the political system, social responsibility of the state, and minority rights included under 388 articles.
- This draft is more immune to housing rights, the formation of a national healthcare system, and enhanced employee benefits. Gender parity would be the focus of attention among the state bodies and public companies.
- Indigenous people would be guaranteed rights to their “land, territories, and resources” as well as reserved seats in representative bodies.
- The drafting committee will also consult the indigenous people if it something affects their rights. The draft also includes a parallel justice system to carry out their affairs.
- An entire chapter on environmental rights states “ nature has rights”. In comparison to the current constitution which has only one article pertaining to environmental protection the new draft Is more dedicated
What has been the response?
- Michelle Bachelet, former Chile president and previous UN human rights chief, called the draft constitution a “social contract”.
- Jose Antonio kast, a right-wing 2021 presidential candidate has been campaigning against the proposed charter for months now, other show their disagreement by saying that this charter puts too much “blind faith” in the state in order to resolve the country’s problems and peace seems to be a far dream.
- As the polls came in it showed that the new constitution would be rejected by as much as 10 per cent.
On the positive side boric affirms Chile’s desire to break from its conservative past and embrace drastic social change.