By : Sanat Sari Saren.
Daily Fumigation is being carried out in major Chinese cities.
Photo Source : The Guardian
Chinese economy struggles
China has been struggling with the rising number of omicron cases, despite the implementation of Zero COVID policies in every major city.
President Xi Jingping had previously announced that China will maintain its stance on Zero COVID policies, amidst the slowing down of Beijing’s financial engines.
Many see his actions as an way to stay in power, as the national elections will be held in October/November of 2022.
Experts around the world have already said that the goal China wants to attain is impractical as Omicron variant is more infectious than previous variants of COVID that Chinese populace had grown accustomed to.
Zero COVID policies – Poor living conditions.
Beijing and Shanghai are the most populated cities of China, the main industrial heartlands that fuel Chinese economies.
The zero COVID policies of Chinese authorities have halted the cities in their tracks. Thousands of industrial and auto-parts manufacturing plants stay closed as of this day.

Photo Source : Getty images.
The disruption of manufacturing and production of automobiles to smartphones – is now fueling inflation risks in Europe and US.
Although government is promising aid for growing number of unemployed entrepreneurs, experts say the damage has been done.
With many saying China’s economic growth in the current quarter will fall as low as 1.8% over a year ago from an anemic 4.8% in the last quarter.
Growth for the full year is forecast as low as 3.8%, below the ruling party’s official 5.5% target and less than half of 2021′s 8.1% expansion.
The thousands of new Omicron cases soaring through the country everyday proves how miserably the efforts of the government failed.
World Health organization’s director-general, Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, said on Tuesday, “China’s goals of containing omicron through the implementation of Zero COVID policies, remain largely unattainable and impractical”.
He also added, “ The Chinese are trying to curb a newer and highly transmissive Omicron variant by using methods that worked well in case of original Covid-19 virus”.
President Xi wants to get reelected for a third term. But the implementation of harsher and inhuman measures under the zero COVID policies, Xi’s prospect of return to the throne remains in question.

Photo Source: South China Morning Post
Chinese citizens have been protesting due to imposing of stringent lockdowns and curfews, that disregard the people’s sentiments and living conditions.
Shanghai 25 million residents have remained indoors for more than 2 months now. With the lack of basic food and medical supplies, many citizens believe President Xi’s potentially harmful and improper pursuit of Zero COVID policies will become bane for him at the time of reelection.
Edited by : Sanat Sari Saren
Published by : Sanat Sari Saren
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