A coal mine blast has risked the lives of miners, 28 dead and dozens are still stuck inside. The reason behind the blast is unidentified local prosecutor’s office has begun an investigation.
At least 28 people have died in Turkey after an alleged methane blast through a pit on Turkey’s Black Sea coast. The rescuers searched for dozens of coal miners who are still trapped hundreds of meters underground.
The health minister Fahren tin Koca has tweeted, 11 people have been pulled out alive now getting treatment in the hospital.

The interior minister of Turkey, Süleyman Soylu mentioned in his statement that 28 people have suffered various injuries, either these people managed to crawl out on their own or they were saved by rescuers. This is one of the deadliest industrial accidents in years of Turkeys.
Mr. Soylu has described to the reporters, “We are facing a truly remorseful situation, in all 110 of our brothers were working. Some of them came out on their own, and some of them were saved.” Mr. Solu has confirmed to early reports that nearly 50 miners were still entangled in two separate areas between 300 and 350 meters below ground.
Almost 28 people have lost their lives and dozens remained trapped underground after an outburst in a coal mine in Northern Turkey’s Bartin province.
The main reason behind the blast has yet not been uncovered, and the local prosecutor’s office has started its examination.
The Energy Minister of turkey has mentioned, there were initial signs that the explosion was caused by firedamp, which is methane forming an explosive mixture in coal mines. “We are facing a truly regretful situation”, he said. The real reason behind this blast has yet not been discovered.
There is video footage that showcases miners emerging blackened and bleary-eyed escorted by the facility in Amasra, on the black sea coast.
There is a panic environment, family and friends of the missing miners could be seen in the mine desperately waiting for the news of their special ones.
The outbreak has been acknowledged to occur at 300m deep. The interior minister of Suleyman Soylu mentioned that some 49 people were working in that dangerous zone with 300 and 350m.
The situation was panic among people. The cause of the blast is still unidentified.