Every country is survived because of the covid 19 situations. This ACT is the new development for the better health infrastructure in the world.
It is made for the control to this covid 19 situations. New growth can be seen in the world with the help of vaccination.
What is ACT Accelerator?
It is the collaboration of the global world to slow down the situation of covid 19 in the world. ACT accelerator is the access to covid 19 tools.
It is made for better development in the position of covid 19. The major three tasks are done by the tools. First is a vaccine, the second is testing, and the last is treatments.
It launched at the end of April 2020 when covid 19 situations were spreading everywhere.
It was established by an event in this event different worldwide personalities included like Director-General of WHO, President of France, President of European Commission and bill & Melinda Gates Foundation.
This ACT accelerator comes to everyone close to the collaboration to give better ideas on how to tackle this situation. Scientists, Civil Society, Government, Global Health Organization and Businesses.
Why do we need these funds?
This time the second wave of covid already hit the world. But, still, some of the countries are affected a lot.
Every country is not developed correctly, and every country needs proper facilities for vaccination in their countries.
To stop the delta variant in the world that’s why this fund is necessary for more development in the situation.
It is very unnecessary. It is the budget for 2021, and it is needed within four months. Funding for the RADAR (rapid act- accelerator delta response) urgent appeal for the funds.
It is necessary because of the increased testing, detect the new variant in the world, oxygen supply, PPE kit, and save the lives of health care workers.
Testing- testing is essential for checking the situation of covid. Even every country should be satisfactory because testing is the report of covid.
It is necessary to stop the transmission of covid variants.
Oxygen- oxygen is another point that always is the first preference. Last time every country survived because of the less oxygen supply.
The US $ 1.2 billion addresses oxygen need to treat the ill severe problem and control the death level as well.
Tools – The US $ 1.4 billion to help the world to use all the covid tools which are provided to them. Different vaccines should be provided in the upcoming months also.
Protect health care workers- US $ 1.7 billion to provide for the health care worker and 2 million also for the essentials.
In the essential, PPE is included. It is vital for their lives.
Dye and others say it’s time to rethink the public health response. So far, efforts have focused on containment: slowing the spread of the virus within China.
keeping it from being exported to other countries, and, when patients do cross borders, aggressively tracing anyone they were in contact with and quarantining those people for 2 weeks.
But if the virus, named SARS-CoV-2, has gone global, travel restrictions may become less effective than measures to limit outbreaks and reduce their impact, wherever they are—for instance.
by closing schools, preparing hospitals, or even imposing the kind of draconian quarantine imposed on huge cities in China.

Public health experts disagree, however, about how quickly the travel restrictions that have marked the first phase of the epidemic should be loosened.
Early this week, the total number of cases stood at more than 80,000 with 2705 deaths—with 97% of the total still in China.
Some countries have gone so far as to ban all flights to and from China; the United States quarantines anyone who has been in hard-hit Hubei province and refuses entry to foreign nationals.
if they have been anywhere in China during the past 2 weeks. Several countries have also added restrictions against South Korea and Iran.
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