“I cannot risk my Integrity anymore” said Sajid Javid while he resigns. Meanwhile, Boris Johnson defied calls for resignation and dug in.

“ At some point we have to conclude that enough is enough.I do fear that a reset button can work so many times. There’s only so many times you can turn that machine on and off before you realize something is fundamentally wrong.
Last month I gave the benefit of doubt one last time.I
have (now) concluded that the problem starts at the top. That is not going to change”, said Sajid Javid. Boris Johnson’s Health Secretary then presented his resignation letter in the House of Commons on Tuesday.
Javid concluded that he can not go on giving Boris Johnson the benefit of doubt after Partygate and other scandals. Conservative MPs and Cabinet Ministers, including Johnson watched as he tended hisresignation.Minutes later, Chancellor Rishi Sunak announced his own resignation.
Soon a string of junior ministers followed suit in another blow to Boris Johnson’s government. The rumblings of a Conservative mutiny against Boris Johnson was already there, It struck a big, moral blow on Tuesday.
Boris Johnson Still Held Out

On Tuesday Boris Johnson said he’d go on with the job while Labour MP’s howled in protest. Soon Sajid Javid presented his resignation nation as Mr Johnson watched quietly.
The mutiny against Boris Johnson thickens as Home Secretary Priti Patel joins the rebel camp and urges his resignation. Levelling Secretary Michael Gove too has called for his resignation and Mr. Johnson has sacked him.
“ It will not be right for him to walk away amid economic pressures and a war in Ukraine,” Boris Johnson told his senior MPs. Johnson stresses that millions voted for him and wonders whether any leader would be able to replicate his electoral successes, reports the BBC
. Boris Johnson has previously survived a vote of no-confidence, but opposition against him has spread within the rank the file of the Conservative party. The leader faces heat over his mismanagement of the Covid situation due to partying at 10, Downing Street.
The resultant Partygate scandal has eroded Johnson’s legitimacy among its ministers and their constituencies.
Keir Starmer Snipes at Boris Johnson and the Conservatives

Meanwhile, Labour leader Sir Keir Starmer took digs at the Conservatives in the House of Commons. He called Johnson supporting Conservatives “nodding dogs keeping the Prime Minister in power”. They are still in office because no-one is prepared to debase themselves any longer.
The Conservative party has become a corrupted party defending the indefensible, he stated. He also took aim at the current spate of Conservative resignations he said: “ Their decision not to quit before now showed they lacked a shred of integrity.
As Johnson accused Starmer of poor policies, Starmer hit back saying:
What a pathetic spectacle, the dying act of his political career is to parrot that nonsense. As for those who are left-only in office because no one would debase themselves any longer.
The charge of the light-weight brigade. Have some self-respect. For a week he’s had them defending his decision to promote a sexual predator. Everyday the lines he has forced them to take have been untrue.
Apart from Partygate scandal, Boris Johnson was also in controversy for promoting Chris Pincher as deputy chief. Pincher has a history of sexually predatory behavior.
(inputs BBC, the Guardian)