India has a share of 43% of global asthma-related deaths

Experts in Lucknow said Thursday that even though asthma deaths are preventable, India has most of them because people don’t know how to treat them. The three-day UPTBCCON-2022 conference will start on Friday at KGMU.
Dr. Rajendra Prasad, who is in charge of putting together the conference, said that asthma-related deaths can be stopped with advanced treatment methods and medicines that are already available in India. But the country is responsible for 43% of the 4.5 million asthma-related deaths that happen around the world every year.
“The disease keeps bothering people of all ages because both people and doctors don’t know enough about it,” he said.
The 16th annual conference of Tuberculosis and Chest diseases UPTBCCON-2022 is being put on by the department of pulmonary medicine at Era’s Lucknow Medical College and the department of Pulmonary and Critical Care Medicine at KGMU.
Dr. Ved Prakash, head of pulmonary and critical care medicine, said, “There are a lot of myths about how medicines, like steroids, are used.”