Midnight Mass is a Netflix original series that has stunning reviews. After The Haunting of the fly manor and The Haunting of the hill house, director Mike Flanagan brings us an astonishing tale. IMDb gives it 7.9 points out of 10.
The series has received love from youngsters and elders alike, so what exactly is unique about it? Let’s find out.
The Plot
The series begins with Riley Flying returning to the small isolated Crockett island. He has just completed his prison sentence for an accident caused by drunk driving in which a girl died.
The island has only one church with an old priest who has left for a pilgrimage to Jerusalem. Only a few families on the island are closely knit; they attend the church regularly and have an elementary lifestyle.
There are a few recurring believable characters, the Mayor’s family, their daughter was shot in the leg and is wheelchair ridden, Sarah and Erin are two friends, one is a teacher, and the other is a doctor.
Most of the island inhabitants are Christians, but the Sheriff, Hassan is a Muslim; this fact is essential in the plot. The story’s turn or the natural starting point is when a new priest arrives at the island, Father Paul. The new priest is enigmatic and has an unearthly aura that brings more people towards the church.
Slowly the people begin experiencing a change in themselves; their youth and energy multiply. Several miracles are performed, but with these come certain bizarre happenings. So do these miracles have a cost? And more importantly, are the people prepared for what’s to come?
Cast and Acting
Hamish Linklater delivered his best performance as Father Paul, perfectly capturing the mysterious look of the young priest. His flamboyant and fiery speeches at the communion seem too good to be honest; at the same time, when he expresses his vulnerabilities, the audience begins empathising with him.
Riley Flynn also puts on an impressive front as the disgraced and distressed man, who has served a sentence but is still tied with guilt. Rahul Kohli seems real as the Sheriff, his personality suiting the calculated and logical character he plays. Annabeth Gish as Dr Sarah and Alex Essex as Mildred have a short but significant screen presence.
Kate Siegel acts well as the pregnant lady and gives a chilling monologue at the end of the series. The background actors look genuine but slightly detached from the scene.
Theories and Conspiracy
There are theories that Crockett island indirectly refers to Jonestown. Jonestown was a town in Guyana under the People’s Temple, a religious cult, and it ended in a mass suicide or homicide (still debated). The comparison is made as Jim Jones; the leader is believed to have brainwashed people like Father Fallon attempts to do.
The series aptly shows both the positives and negatives of religion. All the episodes are named after the parts of the Bible, Genesis, Psalms, Proverbs, Lamentations, Gospel, Acts of the Apostles and Revelation. The imagery is rich with biblical metaphors, which an intelligent audience would undoubtedly enjoy.
The story is slow-paced and has long monologues with a profound meaning. The concepts of guilt, repentance, life and death are discussed in most of these. The basic plot is around Father Falcon mixing something in the communion wine and an ‘Angel’.
The series explores the cult culture of misguided people, falling for whatever leaders feed them. Through the Sheriff’s character, the issue of Islamophobia is also brought to light. This kind of storyline is new and is set to remain with you long after switching off the screen. It is modern intellectual horror at its most refined form.